Video Properties and Commands

You can check video properties and issue control commands manually, from the Contextual pane, or using automated mechanisms such as macros/reactions.


Global Video Control Commands

When you select the main Video folder in System Browser, the Extended Operation tab provides you with the connection status and various commands relating to the video system as a whole.

Properties and Commands of Main Video Folder in the Extended Operation Tab


Values and Commands


Video System


Desigo CC can display video streams and provide video functionality.
- Configuration changes from Video Configurator will propagate to System Browser.

Only on first Connect, a Refresh and Sort are automatically performed, to initially acquire video objects into System Browser and sort them into their groups.

For subsequent Connect commands, a manual Refresh must be done first if the VMS configuration has changed. And a manual Sort command may be needed after to rearrange the video objects in System Browser

  • In Macros / Reactions, configure: Video object > Video System property > Connect or Disconnect command

NOTE: While the Video System status is Alignment in Progress or VMS Synchronizing, video commands and events are not available.


Video streams and functionality are not available in Desigo CC and configuration changes will not propagate to System Browser.
- The configuration in System Browser matches that in Video Configurator. This means no changes were made while in the Disconnected state.

Disconnected not Aligned

Video streams and functionality are not available in Desigo CC and configuration changes will not propagate to System Browser.
- The configuration in System Browser does not match that in Video Configurator. This means changes were made while in the Disconnected state.

Alignment in Progress

A Connect command was issued when the Video System was Disconnected not Aligned. System Browser is being updated to reflect the changes made in Video Configurator.

VMS Synchronizing

Initial acquisition of the VMS configuration after a restart of the VMS server or Desigo CC server computer.


Display video streams and provide video functionality in Desigo CC.
- Allow configuration changes to propagate to System Browser.


Stop displaying video streams and providing video functions in Desigo CC.
- Prevent configuration changes from propagating to System Browser.

VMS Config

Last Refresh Successful

Status after a refresh command is successfully executed, and cameras configuration successfully acquired into Video Configurator tab.

The Refresh command acquires any configuration changes made in the VMS (for example, to cameras or triggers) into the Video Configurator tab.

It can be issued when the Video System property is Connected or Disconnected.

However the changes in Video Configurator will only propagate to System Browser when the Video System is Connected.

NOTE: Enable/Disable of cameras in VMS is propagated into Video Configurator without a Refresh command. All other configuration changes require a Refresh to be acquired into Video Configurator.

Refresh not Executed

Status with a new project or after a project restart, when no refresh has been executed yet.

Refresh Failed

The refresh timed out, was unable to acquire the cameras configuration from the VMS.

Refresh in Progress

A Refresh command was issued, and the cameras configuration is being acquired from the VMS.


Acquire changes to the cameras configuration from the VMS into the Video Configurator tab.


Last Sort Successful

A Sort command was issued and completed without error.

Video objects in System Browser are shown grouped (see Group Size, below) and arranged alphabetically by description within the groups.

When video objects are added, deleted or renamed, a manual Sort command may be needed to correctly rearrange them into their groups.

Sort not Executed

Status with a new project or after a project restart, when no Sort command has been issued yet.

Sort In Progress

The video objects are being rearranged into their correct groups.


Updates the sorting of video objects in the groups, and moves newly added objects from the default groups to their correct groups.

Project VMS Provider

Siveillance (3.70.1197)

The VMS provider set for the project.

This initially corresponds to the active provider that was selected in SMC when creating the project (Provider Selection field in the Video Services Settings expander). It can be changed by selecting a different active provider in SMC, and issuing a Connect command (see Misaligned Video Providers, below).

For restored projects prior to video 4.1, the provider is always given as Siveillance(x.x.x.x)

The Provider properties provide information relating to video management system (VMS) providers.

  • When you issue a Connect command, the Project VMS Provider will be updated to match the Runtime VMS Provider. Only do this if you are sure the two providers are compatible, as otherwise data loss may result.
  • If the two providers are not compatible, edit the project settings and set an active provider that matches the project provider.

Runtime VMS Provider

Siveillance (3.70.1197)

The VMS provider currently active in the installation.

This can be changed in SMC (Provider Selection field in the Video Services Settings expander). However, if the new active provider does not match the project provider, a misaligned video providers situation occurs.

Misaligned Video Providers


The Runtime VMS Provider does not match the Project VMS Provider. This can happen when you change the current active provider, or when you restore a project that used a different provider. In this case:


The two providers are aligned. No action is needed in this case.

Event Pre Recording

Event Post Recording

20:00 mmmm/ss

The default time recording starts before an event, and
The default time recording continues after an event.

Enter the time (mmm:ss) and click Set.
Max time is 600:00 (10 hours).

The Event Pre/Post Recording settings are used for event recordings in operating procedures. They define the default duration of the automatic video recordings taken in case of alarms. You can modify these defaults in the video step configuration of each operating procedure.

NOTE: The Pre Recording and Post Recording values must not exceed the corresponding VMS buffering options, which define the actual duration of the event video recordings. Having the same values in both environments will result in a perfect consistency between event video recordings and related event tags.

Group Size


Defines the number of video objects in each group (default 100).

  • Enter the desired number of objects in each group or drag the bar, then click Set.
    A Sort command may also be needed to redistribute the objects within the groups.

The Group properties let you customize how video objects are grouped in System Browser.

Group descriptions are constructed from a sequential number (1, 2, 3, …) with configurable text before and after, as follows:
<prefix>[sequential number]<suffix>

Group Prefix

Group Suffix


The prefix and suffix strings used to construct the group descriptions. If omitted, the group name will consist of just a sequential number.

  • Enter the desired prefix and suffix strings to construct the group description and click Set.
    A Sort command may also be needed to rearrange the groups.

Clip Export Path


Specifies the location on disk where exported video clips are stored.

  • Enter the destination folder path and click Set
  • In Macros/Reactions: Configure Video object > Clip Export Path property > Set command. Specify full folder path as a parameter.

Snapshot Path


Specifies the location on disk of the Desigo CC server where snapshot images of video streams are saved.

  • Enter the full path and click Set.

The following paths are not allowed:
- directly under C:\
- any path under the following system folders: C:\Windows, C:\Program files, C:\Program files (x86)

This path applies to all snapshots except live stream snapshots taken with the overlay icon, which are instead saved on the station where they are taken, in the Windows Pictures folder.

Automatic Snapshot Deletion


Snapshots stored on the Desigo CC server will be automatically deleted after the Snapshot Retention Period expires.

Automatic removal applies only to snapshots stored on the Desigo CC server. Those stored in the Pictures folder of stations must always be removed manually.

Since the system checks for and deletes expired snapshots every 12 hours, in the worst case a snapshot may be deleted 12h after its retention period is expired.


Snapshots will never be automatically deleted.

Enable / Disable

Commands to enable or disable automatic removal of snapshots

Snapshot Retention Period


Period of time, in days and hours, for which a snapshot may be stored. Counted from the moment when the snapshot is taken. Default is 24h.

If Automatic Snapshot Deletion is enabled, snapshots older than this will be automatically deleted the next time the system checks for expired snapshots. By default this check happens at midnight and midday. (see Snapshot Deletion Time, below).

  • Enter the desired duration and click Set.

Snapshot Deletion Time


This property is hidden by default, and can be made visible by customizing the library.

Time of day when expired snapshots are deleted (from 0 to 23). Deletion happens every 12 hours starting from the specified time. Default is 0, meaning that snapshots are deleted at midnight and midday.

  • Enter the desired hour of the day and click Set.
Camera Control Commands

When you select a camera in System Browser or click a monitor in the video view, properties and commands for that camera display in the Operation and Extended Operation tabs.

Camera Properties and Commands in Extended Operation Tab

In the case of a PTZ camera, additional controls display in the Operation tab only.

Properties and Commands of PTZ Camera in Operation Tab


Values and Commands


Camera Status


camera properly connected

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, read the value of the Camera Status property of camera objects


video signal loss


the camera is connected but was disabled in the VMS


the VMS is not reachable, so the camera status cannot be determined



The camera is currently recording, as a result of a Tag or Rec command.


The camera is not recording

Manual Tag

Tags the current point in the video recording, or
Creates a video clip with tag at current point – see note below.

Click Manual Tag.

This command is equivalent to clicking on the monitor where the images are streaming.

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > Recording property > Manual Tag command.

Free Tag

Tags + comments the current point in the video recording, or
Creates a video clip with tag + comment at current point – see note below

Click Free Tag, enter a comment and click Send

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > Recording property > Free Tag command.
    Specify the comment text as a parameter.

Rec Tag

Tags + comments a span of time around the current point in the video recording, or
Creates a video clip with tag + comment on span of time around current point – see note below

Click Rec Tag, set the Pre-rec and Post-rec offsets that define the span of time, and enter a comment and click Send

TIP: The Pre-rec and Post-rec values should match the corresponding VMS buffering options (Bookmark Rule), which define the actual duration of the video recordings. Having the same values in both environments will result in a perfect consistency between recorded videos and related event tags

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object> Recording property > Event Tag command.
    Specify the comment text, pre-rec and post-rec times as parameters.


Takes a snapshot of the live stream from the selected camera. The image is saved on the Desigo CC server at the path specified by the Snapshot Path property of the main video node.
NOTE: Button available if the 'advanced command group' scope right is set.

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > Recording property > Snapshot command.



Connects the selected camera to a monitor. You must specify the exact monitor description (case-sensitive) as a parameter.

Click Connect, specify the monitor description and click Send.

NOTE: Disconnecting the camera requires issuing a command to the monitor object. See Monitor and Monitor Group Commands, below.

This command is equivalent to dragging a camera onto a monitor in the video view or onto the corresponding monitor icon of the video wall.

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > VideoStream property > Connect command. Specify the exact monitor description as a parameter

Start Rec

Starts recording on the selected camera.

Click Start Rec, specify one of the recording types below, and click Send:

  • Continuous recording (24h, see notes below)
  • Event video recording (fixed duration based on buffer settings in VMS)
  • Manual recording (a subsequent Stop Rec is required)
  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > VideoStream property > Start Rec command.
    Specify the recording type as a parameter.

Stop Rec

Stops recording on the selected camera.

Click Stop Rec, specify the correct recording type (Continuous, Event, Manual), and click Send.

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > VideoStream property > Stop Rec command.
    Specify the recording type as a parameter.


Plays back a recording made on the selected camera.

Click PlayBack, specify the parameters below and click Send to search for and play the recording:

  • Start Time and End Time
  • Speed (replay speed, ranging from-8 to +8, with 0 being the normal speed)
  • Trigger Time (start offset time)
  • Play Time
  • Monitor (where to start the playback if a recording is found, specify the exact monitor description)
  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > VideoStream property > PlayBack command.
    Specify the parameters listed at left

Video Clip Export

Not executed

No clips have been exported yet


The last video clip export was successful


Exports a recording from the selected camera to a file.

Click Start. Specify the start and end dates/times, and click Send to export the video clip

The exported file is stored in the location set in the Clip Export Path property of the main Video node.

  • In macros/reactions/scripts, configure: camera object > VideoClipExport property > Start command.
    Specify the start and end dates/times as parameters


Interrupts the clip export currently in progress.



Moves a PTZ camera to a preset position.

Enter the preset position (case-sensitive) and click Goto


This command is equivalent to using the PTZ panel to select a preset from drop-down list, or clicking one of the P1-P6 buttons

  • In macros/reactions/scripts configure: camera object > PresetName property > Goto command.
    Specify the exact preset description as a parameter

Continuous Speed


Sets the motion speed of a PTZ camera.

Enter the desired speed (steps) and click Set

  • Not available on macros/reactions/scripts.


Tag Commands
- If video recording is already active, the tag commands simply add the tag to the recording in progress.

- If the camera is not currently recording, depending on configuration the tag commands may automatically start the recording, creating a video clip whose duration depends on the VMS buffer settings. Refer to Milestone / Siveillance VMS Reference or check with your system administrator whether a separate Start Rec command is required in your system.



Continuous Recording

On some VMS models, the command Start Rec > Continuous is not available (it has no effect). In such cases, you may use the Start Rec > Manual to start a continuous recording, taking into account that the recording will stop and not start again automatically after a VMS system reboot.
For a more robust solution, check with your system administrator to find out which direct commands are available in the VMS software and how to use them.


Camera Group Commands

When you select a camera group in System Browser, properties and commands for that camera group display in the Operation and Extended Operation tabs.

Camera Group Properties and Commands


Values and Commands




Populates a monitor group with video streams from the selected camera group. .

Click Connect. Enter the below parameters and click Send:

  • Monitor Gr: exact monitor group description (case-sensitive)
  • Monitor Pos: position starting from which you want to populate the monitors.

This command is equivalent to dragging a camera group onto a monitor in the video view.

  • In macros/reactions or scripts, configure: camera group object > VideoStream property > Connect command.
    Specify the exact monitor group description as a 1st parameter and the monitor position where you want to start as a 2nd parameter.

Note: to disconnect the cameras requires issuing a command to the monitor or monitor group objects. See Monitor and Monitor Group Commands.

Monitor and Monitor Group Commands

When you select a monitor or monitor group in System Browser properties and commands display in the Operation and Extended Operation tabs.

Monitor Group Properties and Commands


Values and Commands




Disconnects the selected monitor or monitor group from the connected cameras.

For monitors, this disconnects the single camera. For monitor groups, it disconnects all cameras from the group

This command is equivalent to clicking X on a monitor to disconnect its video source.

  • In macros/reactions or scripts, configure: monitor or monitor group object > VideoStream property > Disconnect command.

Note: to connect cameras requires issuing a command on camera objects. See Camera Control Commands.


05 - 5 plus 1

The layout associated with the selected monitor group.

The layout selected here does not affect the station layout in the video view. It is applied when the monitor group object is selected directly. For details see Monitors and Monitor Groups Reference.


Select the required layout from the drop-down list and click Set.

This command is equivalent to selecting a monitor group to display its video streams in the Video tab, and then using the toolbar to set its layout.

  • In macros/reactions or scripts, configure: monitor group object > Layout property > Set command.
    Specify the layout as a parameter.

Sequence Session

Stop All

Stops all running sequences on the selected monitor or monitor group.

This command is equivalent to clicking or on one of the monitors occupied by the sequence.

  • In macros/reactions or scripts, configure: monitor or monitor group object > Sequence Session property > Stop All command.
Sequence Commands

When you select a sequence in System Browser, properties and commands display in the Operation and Extended Operation tabs

Sequence Properties and Commands


Values and Commands


Sequence Session


Starts the selected sequence on a monitor.

Click Start. Enter the below parameters and click Send:

  • Monitor Gr: exact monitor group description (case-sensitive)
  • Monitor Pos: position starting from which you want to play the sequence.

This command is equivalent to dragging a sequence onto a monitor in the video view or onto the corresponding monitor icon of the video wall.

Note: You can start multiple sessions of the same sequence on different monitors

In macros/reactions or scripts:

  • Configure: sequence object > Sequence Session property > Start command.
    Specify the exact monitor group description and the monitor position in the group

Stop All

Stops all running sessions of the selected sequence.

NOTE: To stop only the sequence running on one particular monitor, see Monitor and Monitor Group Commands.

In macros/reactions or scripts:

  • Configure: sequence object > Sequence Session property > Stop All command.

Counter of Session


Indicates how many sessions of the selected sequence are currently active.

In macros/reactions or scripts:

  • On a sequence object, read the value of Counter of Sessions property.
VMS Trigger Commands

When you select a VMS trigger in System Browser the command for activating that trigger displays in the Operation and Extended Operation tabs.

Trigger Activation Command



Values and Commands


Activate Trigger


Command to activate a trigger that does not require a parameter.

These commands allow you to activate the selected trigger to execute an action in the VMS.

  • In macros/reactions or scripts, configure: trigger object > Activate Trigger property > Activate or Activate by Cam command.
    For Activate by Cam specify camera names (separated by commas) as parameter.
  • In a graphic, click the trigger symbol. This sends an Activate command (without camera parameter)

Act by Cam

Command to activate a trigger giving one or more camera names (separated by commas), as a parameter.