Recording Video

This section provides instructions for recording video on your Desigo CC station. For background information see Video View Reference.

Completed video recordings are stored in the video archive. You can access them from the camera timeline or using archive search. See see Playing Back Recordings from a Camera Timeline and Finding Recordings in the Video Archive.



  • The images you want to record display on one of the monitors of the video view. See Displaying Video.


Start Recording Directly From a Monitor

To quickly start recording the images on one of the monitors:

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the monitor.
  1. Click the Recording icon directly on the monitor.
  • The icon changes to , which indicates recording is in progress. Recording will continue until you manually stop it with a Stop Rec command, issued from the Extended Operation tab.
  1. (Optional) While recording, you can mark specific points in the recording with tags, see Adding Bookmarks or Annotations While Recording Video, below.


Start Recording from the Contextual Pane
  1. In the video view, click the monitor whose images you want to start recording.
  • The monitor is highlighted in red. Information about its connected camera displays in the Extended Operation tab.
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, next to the Video Stream property, click Start Rec.
  1. In the drop-down box, select the recording type:
  • Manual recording. This is the same as clicking directly on the monitor. Recording will continue until you manually stop it with a Stop Rec command, issued from the Extended Operation tab.
  • Event video recording (fixed duration based on buffer settings in VMS). Recording will stop automatically at the end of the preset buffer time.
  • Continuous (24h, recording resumes automatically after a reboot). This option is not currently available. See note below.
  1. Click Send to start recording.
  • In the Extended Operation tab, the Recording property changes to True and a red dot displays on the camera symbol. On the monitor, a icon indicates that recording is in progress.
  1. (Optional) While recording, you can mark specific points in the recording with tags, see Adding Bookmarks or Annotations While Recording Video, below.
  • Completed video recordings are stored in the video archive. You can access them from the camera timeline or using archive search.

Continuous recording may not be available
On some VMS models, the command Start Rec > Continuous is not available (it has no effect). In such cases, you may use the Start Rec > Manual to start a continuous recording, taking into account that the recording will stop and not start again automatically after a VMS system reboot.
For a more robust solution, check with your system administrator to find out which direct commands are available in the VMS software and how to use them.

Add Bookmarks or Annotations While Recording Video

While recording is in progress, you can use the Tag commands to bookmark or annotate specific points in the video, to make them easier to find and play back later on.

  • A video recording was started, either automatically or manually. The icon displays on any monitors where video recording is in progress.
  1. To quickly bookmark the current point in the video recording without any annotation:
    a. Move the mouse pointer over the monitor.
    b. Click the Manual Tag icon directly on the monitor.
  1. To add bookmarks with annotations to the video recording:
    a. Click the monitor to select it.
    b. In the Operation tab, use one of the following commands:
    - Free Tag: Bookmark the current point in the video and also enter a comment.
    - Rec Tag: Bookmark a span of time around the current point in the video and enter a comment. The span is defined by the Pre-rec and Post-rec time offsets.
    - Manual Tag: Bookmark the current point in the video without any comment. This is the same as clicking on the monitor.
  1. As the video recording continues, repeat the preceding two steps as needed to add any other bookmarks and/or annotations.
  • The tags are added to the recorded video clip. You can later use these to quickly find specific points of interest in the video recording when you play it back.

Recording on tag commands
Depending on your system configuration and VMS model, the Tag commands may also automatically start the video recording, if it is not already in progress. Refer to Milestone / Siveillance VMS Reference or check with your system administrator.


Add Bookmarks While Playing Back a Recording

During playback of a recording, you can use the Tag icon to bookmark specific points in the clip and make them easier to find later on.

  • A video recording is being played back on a monitor. For instructions on how to play back recordings, see Playing Back Recordings from a Camera Timeline or Finding Recordings in the Video Archive.
    Monitors playing back video are highlighted with a green border.
  • To quickly bookmark the current point in the clip:
    Move the mouse pointer over the monitor.
    b. Click the Manual Tag icon directly on the monitor.
  • A playback tag is added to the video clip. It will appear in the timeline as a yellow diamond.

NOTE: The Tag commands in the Operation tab will not bookmark the recording being played back. Instead they will tag and start recording the live images of the camera in question.


Record and Tag a Video Clip Directly from a Monitor

To quickly record a video clip of the images on one of the monitors and add a bookmark/annotation at the same time:

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the monitor.
  1. Click the Manual Tag icon directly on the monitor.
  • The system records a video clip with a bookmark set at the current point in the video. The video clip has a preset duration around the bookmarked point. .

Depending on your system configuration and VMS model, the tag commands may not start the video recording automatically. Refer to Milestone / Siveillance VMS Reference or check with your system administrator whether a separate Start Rec command is required in your system.


Record and Tag a Video Clip from the Contextual Pane

To record a video clip and add a bookmark/annotation at the same time:

  1. In the video view, click the monitor whose images you want to record.
  • The monitor is highlighted in red.
  1. In the Operation tab, use one of the following commands:
  • Free Tag: Record a clip with a bookmark + comment set at the current point in the video.
  • Rec Tag: Record a clip with a bookmark + comment set at a span of time around the current point in the video.
    NOTE: The span is defined by the Pre-rec and Post-rec time offsets.
  • Manual Tag: Record a clip with a bookmark set at the current point in the video (without any comment). This is the same as clicking directly on the monitor.
  1. Click Send.
  • The Recording property in the Operation tab, and the icon on the monitor, indicate when recording is in progress. Recording stops automatically after the preset time. The video clip will have a preset duration around the bookmarked point.
  • The recorded video clips are stored in the video archive. You can access them from the camera timeline, or using archive search.

Depending on your system configuration and VMS model, the tag commands may not start the video recording automatically. Refer to Milestone / Siveillance VMS Reference or check with your system administrator whether a separate Start Rec command is required in your system.


Start / Stop Recording on Multiple Cameras

If the Danger Management Propagation extension is installed, you can start/stop recording on multiple cameras in one shot. In Application View, you can do this for all the cameras in a camera group, or for all the cameras contained directly inside a folder. In a user-defined (geographical) view, you can do this for any aggregator that contains cameras, such as a Floor or Room.

  1. In System Browser, do one of the following:
  • Select Applications > Video > Camera Groups > [folder] > [camera group].
  • Select Applications > Video > Cameras > [folder].
  • In a geographical view, select a level that contains cameras, such as a Floor or Room.
  1. Select the Operation tab.
  • The Summary Video Mode property indicates whether all (Recording), some (Partially Recording) or none (No Recording) of the cameras in the selection are currently recording.
  1. Next to the Summary Video Mode property, the following commands are available:
  • Start Rec - start recording on all the cameras in the selection.
  • Stop Rec - stop recording on all the cameras in the selection.


Upon executing a recording/tagging command, you may get a Successfully executed feedback without the recording being actually started. This happens if the camera or the recording server is not functioning, or if the video system has not been properly configured.