Customizing Video Alarm Tables

Scenario: To signal abnormal and dangerous situations, the system generates events based on internal alarm tables, which are part of the system libraries. In the Video library, the Alarm Table Generic Events and the Alarm Table Analytic Events contain the parameters of all video events for the Milestone/Siveillance VMS.

You may want to customize the video alarm table to enable or disable event generations or modify the Alarm Class of a video Event Type to generate events in a different category (such as Fault, Anomaly or Alarm).


System malfunction

Incorrect modifications to system libraries will cause the product to malfunction.
Do not modify system libraries unless you have enough knowledge and experience to change them without destroying or corrupting crucial data.



For background information see the video events reference. For specific instructions related to the analytic events alarm table, see also Customizing VMS Analytic Events.


Workflow diagram:




  • Desigo CC is configured to integrate video surveillance.
  • You are authorized and trained to customize the system libraries.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 – Create a Customized Video Library

Skip this section if the customized video library already exists.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1 Headquarters > Video > Video.
  1. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  1. Click Customize the entire library to a lower level .
  1. Click OK.
  • The structure of the video library is duplicated under the allowed customization level. For example, […] > L4-Project > Video > Video.


2 – Copy the Headquarters Video Alarm Table to the Customized Library

Skip this section if the alarm table you want to modify already exists in the customized video library.

  1. In System Browser, under Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1 Headquarters > Video > Video > Alarm Tables >, select the alarm table you want to customize:
  • Alarm Table Generic Events
  • Alarm Table Analytic Events
  1. Click Save as .
  1. In the Save Object As dialog box, as the destination location, select the Alarm Tables block of the customized video library. For example, […] > L4-Project > Video > Video > Alarm Tables.
  1. Enter a name and description for the customized video alarm table. Choose a name/description that will make it easy to distinguish this alarm table from the headquarters one.
  1. Click OK.
  • A copy of the Headquarters video alarm table is added under the Alarm Tables block of the customized library.


3 – Modify the Video Alarm Table in the Customized Library
  1. Select the alarm table in the customized video library. For example, […] > Libraries > L4-Project > Video > Video > Alarm Tables > [alarm table].
  1. In the Object Configurator tab, open the Alarm Configuration expander.
  • The content of the video alarm table displays.
  1. In the Event Type column, locate and select the event you want to modify.
  1. In the selected event you can:
  • In the Alarm Class column, modify the category of the event. In general, the alarm classes correspond to the event lamps of the Summary bar.
  • In the Skip Alarm Generation column, choose True to disable the event generation or choose False to enable it.
    NOTE: Do not modify any other column in the generic events alarm table. If you are instead working on the analytic events alarm table, see also Customizing VMS Analytic Events for a specific example.
  1. Click Save .
  • The modified alarm table is available. You can now apply it to a customized video object model.


4 – Apply the Customized Alarm Table to a Customized Object Model
  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1 Headquarters > Video > Video > Object Model > Management.
  1. In the Models & Functions tab, click Customize .
    NOTE: If the icon is dimmed it means that the selected video object model is already customized. Skip to step 4.
  1. Click OK.
  • The customized Management object model is added to the customized video library.
  1. In System Browser, select the customized Management object model. For example, […] > Libraries > L4-Project > Video > Video > Object Model > Management.
  1. In the Models and Functions tab, open the Properties expander.
  1. In the property list, do one of the following, depending on which type of alarm table you want to apply:
  • To apply a customized Alarm Table Generic Events, select the EventsCollector property
  • To apply a customized Alarm Table Analytic Events, select the AnalyticEventsCollector property
  1. In the Alarm Configuration expander, from the Alarm table reference drop-down list, select the customized video alarm table you want to apply.
    NOTE: The list will show the alarm tables from all library levels, including L1-Headquarters, so be sure to select the alarm table that you customized to your level.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Stop and restart the Desigo CC project for the customization to take effect.


5 – (Optional) Disable Alarm Tables for Individual Cameras

The above workflow applies the customized video alarm table to the Management object model, and so affects the operation of the video system as a whole. You cannot apply customized alarm tables to individual video objects, such as cameras. However, it is possible to disable the alarm table for an individual camera as follows.

  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Video > Cameras > [camera].
  1. In the Object Configurator tab, open the Properties expander.
  1. In the property list, select the Status.EventsCollector property.
  1. Open the Alarm Configuration expander.
  1. If the Valid: field has a blue check (flag set on instance from object model), click it so that the check becomes gray (flag overridden on instance).
  1. In the Alarm Configuration section, select the option None.
  1. Click Save .
  • The alarm table is disabled for this camera. All corresponding events from this camera will be excluded. NOTE: This does not affect camera fault events, which use a different alarm table.