Configuring Notifier ID3000 Event Commands Macros

Scenario: You want commands for zone, detector, and module events to also work from Event List. For this purpose, you must create specific macros in Desigo CC.


Reference: For background information, see Notifier ID3000 Events.


Workflow diagram:




  • Desigo CC is configured to integrate the Notifier ID3000 control panel. For instructions, see Integrating Notifier ID3000.
  • System Manager is in Engineering Mode.



1 – Create a Scope Rule for the Network
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Scopes.
  1. In the Scopes tab, click New and select New Definition.
  1. In the Scopes tab, drag the Modbus network (in this case, Notifier ID3000) that you want to include from System Browser into the Scopes field of the Scope Rules section.
  • The Scopes field automatically being set based on the linked objects.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Enter a name and description for the new scope. For example, ID3000 Network Scope.


2 – Create a Macro Folder for the Event Commands Macros
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Logics > Macros.
  1. in the Macro tab, click New .
  1. In the New object dialog box, enter a name and description.
  1. Click OK.
  • The newly-created folder is added to System Browser.


3 – Create the Event Commands Macros
  1. In System Browser, select the Manual navigation check box to retain the Macro tab.
  1. Drag the target scope object (in this case, ID3000 Network Scope) from System Browser to the empty area inside the Macro tab.
  • A new row is created.
  1. Configure the other fields as follows:
  • Property: Alarm Status [Alarm]
  • Command: Ack [Ack]
  1. Click Save As .
  1. In the Save Object As dialog box, enter the following name and description:
  • BLOCK_ACK_ManagementView_FieldNetworks_[ID3000NetworkName]
  1. Click OK.
  • The new macro is added to System Browser under the specified macros folder.
  1. Start from the ACK command macro, and in the Commands column, select the Reset command.
  1. Click Save As .
  1. In the Save Object As dialog box, enter the following name and description:
  • BLOCK_RESET_ManagementView_FieldNetworks_[ID3000NetworkName]
  1. Click OK.
  • The new macro is added to System Browser under the specified macros folder.


Abiding by Naming Conventions is Essential

Since the name of the macro is strictly connected to the name of the network in the specific project, this action must be performed after the creation of the network itself, and must be performed manually, project by project.
Abiding by the above-mentioned naming convention is mandatory for the event commands to work for zone, detectors, and modules events.