Configuring Event Schemas in a Library

Scenario: Event schemas define the mapping of events to categories, category colors, and sounds. You can customize how alarms are presented to the user by modifying the schemas defined in an events library.


Reference: For background information, see Event Schemas.


Workflow diagram:




  • You are trained and authorized to work with system libraries at the target customization level of the events library. For example, L3-Region or L4-Project.
  • Desigo CC is configured with a customized events library that includes a Schemas block. If not, see Creating a Customized Events Library and/or Adding Blocks to a Library.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 – Prepare any Custom Colors, Sounds, or Categories

If you want to use any custom colors, sounds or categories in the event schema, prepare these first in the events library as follows:


2 - Add a Schema to the Events Library

Skip this step if you want to modify an existing schema.


Method 1: Add a Blank Event Schema

This method creates a blank, new event schema which you must then configure from scratch.

  1. In System Browser, select the event schemas block of the events library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > Events > Schemas.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, click New , and select New Event Schema.
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.
    NOTE: You cannot repeat a schema name that is already used in another library (for example, EN).
  • The new event schema is added to the events library. It is not yet configured.


Method 2: Add a Copy of an Existing Event Schema

Instead of creating a blank event schema and configuring it from scratch, you can add a copy of an existing event schema (for example, EN) and then modify it as needed.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Global > Events > Schemas > [event schema].
  1. In the Event Schema tab, click Save As.
  1. In the Save Object As dialog box, do the following:
    a. Navigate to and select the schemas block of the library where you want to add a copy of this event schema. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > Events > Schemas.
    b. Enter a name and description.
    c. Click OK.
  • The event schema is added to the library.


3 – Define the Category and Event Mapping of a Schema
  • You configured any custom colors, sounds, or categories that you want to use in the event schema.
  1. In System Browser select the schema. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > Events > Schemas > [event schema].
  • The Event Schema tab displays Category Mapping and Event Mapping expanders for configuring this schema.
  1. In the Category Mapping expander, you can define a maximum of fifteen event categories and the associated event colors, as follows:
    a. Select an Identifier.
    b. In the Category Text drop-down list, select an event category. The category name you choose will appear as category text for an event lamp.
    c. In the Event Color Name drop-down list, select the color (for the Summary bar lamps and events in Event List) you want to associate to this event category.
    d. (Optional) Select the Default option that will be applied to any events that were not mapped to a category in the Event Mapping (see below).
  1. In the Event Mapping expander, you can define the event types and the corresponding disciplines, categories, and sounds. Proceed as follows:
    a. Click Add to enter a new row.
    NOTE: The new row will contain all asterisks. If you choose the asterisk (*) for a parameter, it will be considered as undefined value. If you choose all asterisks, default values will be set.
    b. In the Class drop-down list, select an alarm class.
    c. In the Discipline drop-down list, select a discipline.
    d. In the Category drop-down list, select an event category.
    e. In the Sound File drop-down list, select a sound (WAV file) for the event category.
    f. (Optional) Sort the classes in a different order.
  1. Click Save .


4 – Apply the Event Schema to a Project

You can now use the event schema you configured here. To do this, see Applying an Event Schema to a Project.