Adding Blocks to a Library

Scenario: You want to add a block (for example, Icons, Object Model, Media Library, and so forth) to a new library that you are configuring, or to an existing library. For background information, see Library Configurator Workspaces. For instructions on how to create libraries, see Manually Creating a New Library and Creating a Customized Library.

  • You are trained and authorized to work with system libraries at the target customization level. For example, L4-Project.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project or L3-Region or L2-Country > [folder] > […] > [library].
  1. Click New , and select the type of library block you want to add.
    NOTE: The possibility to add multiple library blocks of the same type depends on the library block type.
  • The Library Configurator tab displays the version information for the newly created block.
  1. (Optional) Complete the following fields for keeping track of changes made to this block:
  • Version
  • Revision
  • Date
  • Notes
  1. Click Save .
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.
  • The library block is added to System Browser under your library and to the List of library blocks expander of the Library Configurator tab. In some cases, a new tab for configuring that block becomes available.