Setting up a New Threshold Notification for Maintenance

Scenario: Some devices, especially critical equipment, require monitoring of certain limits exceeding a given duration. For example, batteries might heat up. Consequently, their temperature exceeds the high limit temperature limit for a give duration (for example, an hour) and they can be damaged. This would require appropriate attention. In such cases, it is important to monitor thresholds and send notifications to the operators/engineers/technicians servicing and triggering maintenance activities for such devices.


Reference: For background information, see the Notification section.


Workflow diagram:




  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Application View.



1 – Select the Threshold Incident Template
  • Select Applications > Notification > Incident Templates > Threshold Incident Template.
  • The Incident Template Editor tab displays.


2 – Set Trigger Rules for the Threshold Incident Template
  1. Expand the Incident Template Trigger expander.
  1. Select the Enable triggering check box.
  1. Expand the Trigger Rules expander.
  1. Click Add.
  • A new row is created inside the Trigger Rules expander.
  1. To specify trigger rules, perform step 6 in Incidents > Incident Trigger Rules > Create an Incident Trigger Rule. In particular, you can set a device or a scope as follows:
  • Drag the desired device from System Browser into the trigger rules new row.
  • Configure a scope rule, and drag it to the trigger rules new row.
    For instructions on how to configure scope rules, perform the steps in Configuring a Scope Definition > 3 – Configure the Scope Rules of the Scope Definition.
  1. Repeat steps 4-5 above to add other rules.
  1. Click Save .


3 – Select the Threshold Message Template
  • Select Applications > Notification > Notification Templates > Threshold Message Template.
  • The Message Editor tab displays. You can edit the message content to reflect the exact warning/alert or notice to be delivered in the given context. For example, Battery temperature exceeding set limits for 2 hours, battery can suffer damage.


4 – Set the Incident Notification Recipients


5 – Set the Incident Notification Message Text Content