Setting and Discovering the Adapter Configuration

Scenario: You created the SORIS driver, network, and adapter manually or using the network wizard, and now you want to configure the energy managers, and discover the adapter configuration.


Workflow diagram:



1 – Retrieve User API Key

Users must be authenticated to communicate with the energy manager. For each user, an API key is generated and provided to the user.

  1. Launch Enlighted from the web browser.
  1. Select Administrator > User Management. The list of users displays in the User Management window.
  1. Click Copy API Key. The code is copied to clipboard ready to be pasted to the API Key property field in Desigo CC.


2 – Set the Energy Managers

You can configure multiple energy managers under one SORIS Enlighted adapter.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > Field Networks > [SORIS network] > [Enlighted adapter] > Configuration > Adapter Configuration.
  1. For each energy manager, in the Operation tab, specify the following parameters:
  • Next to the Description property, enter a descriptive text for the energy manager, and click Save.
  • Next to the ID property, enter the energy manager identifier, and click Save.
    NOTE: This identifier must be a unique value. It is an internal identifier that can be freely assigned in Desigo CC since it is not to be taken from the energy manager.
  • Next to the Host property, enter the IP address or the hostname of the energy manager, and click Save.
    NOTE: Since it is not the URL that is required, if you enter the hostname, do not include the https:// prefix in the name. For example,
  • Next to the User property, enter the user that will query the manager, and click Save.
  • Next to the Delay (sec) property, enter the polling interval of time in seconds, and click Save.
  • Next to the Temperature Unit property, select the appropriate unit of temperature (°F or °C), and click Save.


3 – Discover Adapter Configuration
  • In the Operation tab, next to the Configuration property, click Create.
  • In System Browser, all the configured energy managers are created, including data structures.