Video Project Settings

When you select a project in the System Management Console (SMC), the Video Settings tab shows two expanders, containing the fields for configuring video integration:



Video Services Settings expander:
The fields in this expander are read-only in the Video Settings tab. They can be configured during project editing or project creation. See Configure Project Settings for Video in the integration workflow.

Video project

Read-only field indicating the name of the currently selected project in SMC

Enable Video Project

This flag is normally selected, unless this is an additional project for a distributed system, and video is enabled in another project. See Project Settings for Management Platform Distribution, below.

NOTE: Clearing this flag on an existing video project where it is set will cause all video information to be deleted from the project.

Video API host IP/name

The IP address or name of the video interface computer, fixed to localhost (the Video API always runs on the Desigo CC server computer).

Video API port

The TCP communication port on the Desigo CC server computer for the video interface, typically set to 8002

Provider selection

The Video Management System (VMS) provider currently active in the installation.

  • When creating a new project, the drop-down list lets you select which of the available VMS providers to use. This then becomes the 'Project provider'.
  • On an existing project, this field matches the 'Project provider', unless there is a situation that causes a mismatch. See VMS Provider Misalignment, below.

Project provider

The VMS provider set for this project.

  • This initially corresponds to the choice made in 'Provider selection' when the project was created
  • The field turns red if the currently active provider (set in 'Provider selection') no longer matches. See VMS Provider Misalignment, below.

VMS host IP/name

The name or IP address of the computer where the VMS was installed. (For the Siveillance / Milestone VMS, see Installing the VMS Server.)
NOTE: Do not use localhost here, even if the VMS runs on the same computer as the Desigo CC server. This setting is also used by networked client stations to access VMS video streams, and so must specify the server name or IP address.

VMS port

The TCP communication port for the VMS, default value is 80.

Video Service Security expander:
The fields in this expander can be configured in the Video Settings tab, as well as during project editing / creation.

User Name

The user account currently associated to the Video API Service.


Button that allows you to select a user account to associate to the Video API Service. This must be a named account with the access rights specified in Configuring the VideoApiService Account.


This field appears after you select a user account with Browse... Enter the password of the selected account.


Button that allows you to revert to the previously associated account. Undoes the selection made with Browse...
NOTE: The Reset works only before the new account is applied. Once you by press (in the Video Settings tab) or (during project creation / editing) the new account is applied and you can no longer revert to the preceding one.

Force security

Select the check box to apply the required security settings to the associated account. Always automatically selected when you change the account. You can also manually select it to apply security settings to the currently associated account.

VMS Provider Misalignment

In the Provider selection drop-down list, you can set which is the currently running video provider. This must correspond or be compatible with the video provider used for the project.

NOTE: The Siveillance and Milestone providers are equivalent and so do not generate any misalignment.

Prerequisite steps before any VMS provider switch

In any situation where there is a provider misalignment or you want to change the Provider selection, perform these steps first to ensure that the video objects are correctly aligned.

1. Make a full backup of the video configuration.
2. On the Desigo CC server computer, stop the Siemens Video API Service using Windows Task Manager.
3. Then delete the VideoAPI database file, located at: ...\ProgramData\Siemens\VideoAPI\Data\VideoApi.sdf.
4. Now you can go back to configure the project in SMC with the required Provider selection.
(Refer to the cases below for new, existing, or restored video projects)

NOTE: In the case of a clean install, where a video project is being created for the first time, it is not necessary to delete the VideoAPI database before setting or changing the VMS provider.


  • For a new video project, the provider chosen in Provider selection becomes the new active provider. If this is different from the current active provider, you get a warning that video configuration data may be lost as a result of changing provider. After saving, a read-only Project provider field is created with value that matches the Provider selection.
  • In an existing video project, if you change the Provider selection so it no longer matches the Project provider:
    • The Project provider field turns red to indicate the mismatch.
    • On saving the project, you get a warning that the video configuration data may be lost (if the new provider is not compatible with the previous one).
    • If you choose to proceed anyway, the Project provider field is updated.
    • When you start the project, the video system is automatically disconnected, with a Misaligned Video Providers event. This is to avoid possible data loss, since the project provider has been changed.
    • If you are sure you want to proceed, issue a manual Connect command to make the new project provider effective.
  • In a restored video project, the Project provider field indicates the VMS provider originally used for that project. For projects prior to video 4.1, the provider is always Siveillance(x.x.x.x). If the current Provider selection is not the same, you can do one of the following:
    • After restoring (and if necessary upgrading), edit the project to settings to change the Provider selection to match the restored project’s Project provider.
    • Retain the current Provider selection. This will cause an automatic video system disconnect with Misaligned Video Providers event. You can then proceed anyway (with possible risk of data loss in case of incompatibility) by manually forcing a connect of the video system.


Project Settings for Management Platform Distribution

In SMC, only one project can have a video connection, and the VMS can be connected to one project only. If the installation includes multiple Desigo CC servers, only one is connected to the VMS.

The other Desigo CC servers can still support all the normal operating video functions (display or record video streams, control cameras, associate cameras to system objects, video steps in assisted treatment, and so on), but without a direct connection. For this, the video extension needs to be installed, and the required SMC settings configured as follows:




Required SMC Settings

Main Desigo CC server connected to VMS (supports all video functions)

Additional Desigo CC server that supports:

No video functions

Video functions without video steps in operating procedures

Video functions with video steps in operating procedures

Install the video extension





Include video in the project





Select Enable video project



