BACnet Network Fire Options

The Fire Options tab of the BACnet network contains configuration options as applicable to the fire panels integrated in Desigo CC.

The tab includes three expanders that are generally described here. For detailed configuration instructions, search for the workflow of the fire panel you are interested in, for example Configuring <fire panel name>, and then refer to the Configure BACnet Fire Network step.

Alarm Handling Timers

In this expander, the Enable T1/T2 Timers check box allows you to enable the alarm-handling countdown display on the user interface when a relevant fire event is presented.

Import Map Numbers

Here you can Enable import of map numbers from the fire panel configuration file, and set the objects (Areas, Sections, Zones, and Detectors) whose description will include the map number.

Configured Panels

This expander provides the list of imported fire panels with the goal of supporting their individual deletion from the BACnet network. Select the panel you want to remove and click Delete.