Display Room Information


  • System Manager is in Operation mode.
  • In System Browser, Logical View is selected. BIM graphics can also be selected in the Application View as an alternative.


Room Alarm
  1. Select Logical > [Subsystem name] > [Building name] > [Floor] > [Room].
  • The BIM Viewer tab opens.
  • The room is highlighted in the floor view.
  1. Click Show room alarms .
  1. Click Show room view .
  • The selected room opens. The alarm is displayed on the floor per the alarm category (colors in the alarm overview).
  1. Click Show related alarms in EventList .
  • The event list is filtered and displayed with the floor alarms.
  1. Acknowledge and reset alarm.
  1. Click Close event list .
  1. Click Show floor view .
  • The room view is displayed in this example with alarm category Low (blue).
Room Alarm


Highlight Individual Equipment
  1. Select Logical > [Subsystem name] > [Building name] > [Floor] > [Room].
  • The BIM Viewer tab opens.
  • The room is highlighted in the floor view.
  1. Click Show room view .
  • The selected room opens.
  1. Click Highlight selected object .
  • The last selected equipment is highlighted in color.
Select Individual Equipment


Highlight All Equipment
  1. Select Logical > [Subsystem name] > [Building name] > [Floor] > [Room].
  • The BIM Viewer tab opens.
  • The room is highlighted in the floor view.
  1. Click Show room view .
  • The selected room opens.
  1. Click Highlight equipment of current room .
  • All equipment is highlighted in color.
Highlight All Equipment


Display Data Sheet
  • The URL links in the BIM data are correctly assigned to the objects.
    NOTE: Incorrectly assigned URL links must be corrected in the BIM data. URL links cannot be edited in Desigo CC.
  • An Internet connection is required to open the data sheet via the URL link to a supplier.
  • You must have the appropriate user rights at the supplier.
  1. Select Logical > [Subsystem name] > [Building name] > [Floor] > [Room].
  • The BIM Viewer tab opens.
  • The room is highlighted in the floor view.
  1. Click Show room view .
  • The selected room opens.
  1. Click equipment in the room, for example, a room operator unit.
  1. Click Display the equipment's data sheet .
  • Displays a list of available data sheets.
  • Click the data sheet in the desired language.
  • The data sheet displays in BIM Viewer.
  1. Click Download or Print to save the information.