UPS RFC1628 Events

The following is the list of the events available in Desigo CC for the UPS RFC1628 integration:

  • Not Reachable
  • Battery Fault
  • On Battery
  • Battery Low
  • Battery Depleted
  • Temperature Out of Tolerance
  • Input Fault
  • Output Fault
  • Output Overload Out of Capacity
  • On Bypass
  • Bypass Fault
  • Output Off
  • UPS Off
  • Charger Fault
  • UPS Output Off
  • UPS System Off
  • Fan Fault
  • Fuse Fault
  • General Fault
  • Diagnostic Test Failed
  • Communication Lost
  • Awaiting Power
  • Shutdown Countdown Active
  • Shutdown Imminent
  • Test In Progress


BA_EN Client Profile Event Mapping

By default, events are mapped to the Fault, Anomaly, and Information event categories. If the BA_EN Client Profile (or any BA_EN child profile) is used, events belonging to the Anomaly event category are displayed in Summary bar through the Information event lamp while the category color remains the one of the Anomaly event category.
To map events to different event lamps in Summary bar, you have to customize the workstation alarms of the object model as well as the color of the symbols. For more details, contact the Customer Support Center.