Checking the Monitor Group of your Station

Do this procedure to quickly check or control the connection status of all the managed monitors of the station you are working on.

  • System Manager is Operating mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Video.
  • The video view of your station displays.
  1. In the Contextual pane, select the Video Controls tab and then click Video Wall.
  • The video wall displays a grid of icons, representing the managed monitors that make up your station’s video view.
  1. Use the background color of the icons to check the connection status of each monitors:
  • Green: camera properly connected
  • Yellow: connection fault (video signal loss).
  • Black: no camera connected.
  1. Use the symbols on the icons to check what each monitor is displaying:
  • Replay: the monitor is playing back a video recording.
  • Sequence: the monitor is displaying a sequence of live video from different cameras
  • No symbol: the monitor is displaying live video from a single camera
  1. Click on an icon to disconnect that monitor from its video source.
  1. Drag-and-drop a camera onto an icon to connect it to that monitor.
  • All the changes you make on the monitor icons are reflected in the video view.
    They will also affect any other stations that use those same monitors in their video view.

Related Topics

Monitor Control Reference