Configuring a Video Camera Group

Scenario: You want to configure a group of cameras that can be accessed with a single action. For example, if a group of cameras is set up for each floor of a building, an operator can quickly view the cameras of an entire floor by simply selecting its camera group.


Workflow diagram:




  • Desigo CC is configured to support video surveillance. See Integrating Video Surveillance.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Application View.

Updating of objects in System Browser

The configurations described here are done in the Video Configurator tab:
- The changes will propagate to System Browser when the Video System is Connected. See Connecting the Video System.
- In case of video objects added, renamed or removed, a Sort command may also be needed, to correctly regroup objects in System Browser. See Grouping Video Objects.



1 – View the Existing Camera Groups
  1. In System Browser, select Application > Video.
  1. In the Video Configurator tab, expand the Video Camera Groups folder in the VMS tree.
  • Any camera groups already configured in the system display in the VMS tree.


To Delete a Camera Group

Complete these steps to remove a camera group that is no longer needed. This will not delete any of the cameras included in the group.

  1. In the Video Configurator tab, select VMS > Video Camera Groups > [camera group].
  1. Click .
  1. Click Yes to confirm.
  • The camera group is removed from the VMS tree and from Applications> Video > Camera Groups in System Browser.


To Rename a Camera Group

The name of a camera group is read-only. But you can edit its description as follows.

  1. In the Video Configurator tab, select VMS > Video Camera Groups > [camera group].
  1. In the Video Camera Group Configuration expander, edit the Description of the camera group.
  1. Click Save .
  • The description of the camera is updated in the VMS tree and in System Browser.


2 – Create a New Camera Group

Skip this section if you want to modify an existing camera group.

  1. In System Browser, select Application > Video.
  1. In the Video Configurator tab, select VMS > Video Camera Groups.
  1. Click New , and select Add a New Video Camera Group.
  1. In the Video Camera Group Configuration expander, enter a Description for the camera group.
    NOTE: The following characters are not allowed in the Description text: “.” (period), “:” (colon), “?” (question mark), “*” (asterisk).
  1. Click Save .
  • The new camera group is added to the Video Camera Groups folder of the VMS tree and under Applications > Video > Camera Groups in System Browser.


3 – Select the Cameras to Include in a Group
  1. In System Browser, select Application > Video.
  1. In the Video Configurator tab, select VMS > Video Camera Groups > [camera group].
  • The Video Camera Group Configuration expander displays the list of available cameras on the left, and the cameras included in this group on the right.
  1. Use or to add more cameras to this group.
  1. Use or to remove cameras from this group.
  1. For PTZ cameras, scroll the destination list to the right and select the initial Preset position for the camera.
  1. For large lists, to help you find a particular camera:
    a. in the Search field, type a few characters of the description with wildcards (* for any string, or ? for exactly one character).
    b. Click Search or press ENTER.
  • Only the cameras that match the search criteria are shown. Underneath each list, Items indicates number of cameras shown / total number of cameras.
    NOTE: Click x to clear the search. To repeat a previous search, select it from the drop-down list.
  1. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the cameras in the camera group.
  1. Click Save .
  • The changes propagate to the Camera Groups folder of System Browser.


4 – Check How the Camera Group Displays
  • To preview the result, in System Browser select Applications > Video > Camera Groups > [camera group].
  • Images from the camera group populate the video view as far as the current layout can accommodate them. Select a layout with more monitors if needed.