IBase Configuration File

Read this section if you want to create IBaseConfigurationScript.json for an extension. For related instructions, see Adding a Subsystem to the IBase Report.

The IBaseSampleConfiguration.json configuration file serves as a template for creating IBaseConfigurationScript.json for a subsystem extension. This file provides configuration for the 3rd party BACnet extension module as an example.

It provides a structure for creating networks, drivers, and devices of an extension. Individual objects may not be used as samples, as they only appear once the subsystem is added and therefore, cannot be copied. When the IBase script is executed, these points are reported in the IBase report.

Thus, the IBase report generated contains information for all connected 3rd party BACnet controllers and other devices and their points in addition to the information related to the system object (such as printers, graphics and so on), installation, managers of the project and some generic information such as time stamp (in UTC), Windows user name and host name of the Server computer.


  • To get a clear overview of the status of the customer’s installed objects, it is recommended to only install the required extension modules and store objects.
  • Before creating the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file for an extension, make sure that you have all relevant information on networks, devices, and drivers that you want to include in the configuration. You can also configure the properties.
  • You must specify the configuration options for a library, for example, devices and their properties and libraries in the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file, that you want to have included in the IBase report before executing the IBase script.
  • When modifying the configuration file for an extension, consider:
    • The OM or the property name can contain the wildcard asterisk (*). For example, GMS_BACNET_NETWORK* indicate that all the OMs starting with GMS_BACNET_NETWORK are reported.
    • You can also use the wildcard asterisk (*) in the Designation name field, for example, ManagementView.*. However, we recommend to provide the complete Designation name, if known, for example,
    • To display the parent child relationship thus indicating which objects can be assigned as children (subordinate) objects for the OMs, make sure that the parent OMs for the configured OMs are also specified. The data is reported under the parent OM. However, if no parent OM is found, the data is represented as a separate instance of OM as shown below:
      <Parent ObjectModel="GMS_BACNET_NETWORK_1" />
    • Invalid configuration in this file, for example, not matching well-defined type, leads to error and the value will not be reported.


Network Section

This section contains information related to the networks in the library of the extension module.
You need to provide the name of the OM whose instances should be reported, along with its properties. Provide the complete designation name.

The 3rd party BACnet extension module, the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file for network and drivers is available under
[Installation drive]:\[Installation folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_BACnet_HQ_1\Scripts.

IBaseSampleConfiguration.json File

Contains the structure for providing OMs and their properties for a network of an extension module. As an example, it displays the pre-configured OM and properties for the 3rd party BACnet network.

Network Section In IBaseSampleConfiguration File

Corresponding Section for the 3rd Party BACnet Extension Module

Contains the pre-configured OM, GMS_BACNET_Network_1, along with its properties, and the designation name.

Network Section BAC 3rd Party EM IBaseConfiguration File

Section in the IBase Report for the 3rd Party BACnet Extension Module

Displays the OM and the relevant properties as configured in the IBaseConfiguration.json for the 3rd party BACnet extension module.

IBase Report Network Section For 3rd Party BACnet EM


Device Section

This section contains information related to the devices in the library of the 3rd party. The 3rd party BACnet extension module, the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file for devices is available under
[Installation drive]:\[Installation folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\BA_Device_BACnet_HQ_1\Scripts.

Provide the OM for the devices whose points you want to be reported, along with its properties.

IBaseSampleConfiguration.json file

Contains the structure for providing devices and their properties of an extension module. As an example, it displays the pre-configured OM and properties for the 3rd party BACnet devices.

Device Section in the IBaseSampleConfiguration File

Corresponding Section for the 3rd Party BACnet EM

Contains the pre-configured OM and properties for the 3rd party BACnet extension module devices. If the display name for any OMs is same, the combined count for the instances of the OMs is reported.

For example, if the two OMs GMS_BACNET_EO_BA_BI_1 (with 10 instances) and GMS_BACNET_EO_BA_BO_1 (with 10 instances) have the same display name as Binary, the combined count for the instances of both the OMs is reported as follows:

<Count displayName="Binary" value="20" />

3rd Party BACnet EM Device Section

Section in the IBase Report for the 3rd Party BACnet EM

Displays the device OMs and their properties as configured in the IBaseConfiguration.json for the 3rd party BACnet extension module. Note that the IBase report generates the count of instances based on the IBase configuration provided by the 3rd party BACnet extension module.

IBase Report Device Section 3rd Party BACnet EM


Driver Section

This section contains information related to the drivers in the library of the 3rd partyBACnet extension module. The 3rd party BACnet extension module, the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file for Network and Drivers is available under
[Installation drive]:\[Installation folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\ Global_BACnet_HQ_1\Scripts.

Provide the OM for the drivers whose instances you want to be reported, along with its properties.

IBaseSampleConfiguration.json file

Contains the structure for providing drivers and their properties of an extension module. As an example, it displays the pre-configured OM and properties for the 3rd party BACnet driver.

Driver Section in IBaseSampleConfiguration File

Corresponding Section for the 3rd Party BACnet Extension Module

Contains the pre-configured driver OM, GMS_BACNET_DRIVER, along with its properties, and the designation name.

3rd Party BACnet Driver Section

Driver Section in the IBase Report for the 3rd Party BACnet Extension Module

Section of the IBase report displaying the driver OM name and its properties as configured in the IBaseConfiguration.json file for the 3rd party BACnet extension module.

IBase Report Driver Section 3rd Party BACnet