Setting Up IBase

Scenario: You want to configure Desigo CC to be able to generate a report of the installed base at a customer site.


Reference: For background information, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:



1 – Install the Scripts and IBase Extensions
  • You have the distribution media containing the Scripts and IBase extensions.
  1. Navigate to the InstallFiles directory, right-click the Gms.InstallerSetup.exe file, and select Run as administrator.
  • The Install Wizard displays.
  1. Click Next until you reach the Setup Type Selection screen.
  1. Click Modify for the Feature Selection.
  1. In the Feature Selection screen, expand the Standard Modules extension suite, and select the check boxes for Scripts and IBase.
    NOTE: You must install the Scripts extension module to be able to use IBase.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Next until you reach the Ready to Install the Program dialog box.
  1. Click Install.
  • The Installation Complete dialog box displays.
  1. Click Close.


2 – Add the Scripts and IBase Extensions to the Project
  • You have launched System Management Console (SMC).
  • The project to which you want to add the IBase extension module is upgraded and stopped.
  1. In the SMC tree, select the Projects > [project].
  1. Click Add to Project .
  • The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
  1. Expand the Standard Modules extension suite and select both Scripts and IBase.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Save .
  • The Scripts and IBase extension modules are added to the selected project.
  • The following files are added to the disk path [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_IBase_HQ_1\Scripts\ :
    - IBaseScript.js
    - IBaseConfigurationScript.json
    - IBaseHelperScript.js
    - IBaseSampleConfiguration.json.
  • The following preconfigured reaction is added: Applications > Logics > Reactions > System Information > Timing.
  1. Start the software to begin working with IBase.


3 – Check Scripts Application Rights

When you install or add the Scripts extension, the application rights for scripts are disabled by default. You must complete this procedure to enable them.

  • The Scripts extension was added to the project.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Security.
  1. In the Security tab, select the user group that you want to authorize to work with scripts.
  1. In the Application Rights expander, open the Script Editor expander and select the check boxes for the rights (Show, Configure, and Change Script Credentials) that you want to allow. For details on parameters, see Scripts Application Rights.
  1. Click Save.
  • The selected script rights are enabled for this user group. For example, if you enabled Show, when a group member selects Applications > Logics > Scripts, the Script Editor tab displays.


4 – (Optional) Verify the IBase Scripts Library

Do this procedure if you want to check the scripts installed together with the IBase extension.

  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Global > IBase > Scripts.
  • The Script Editor for the IBase script library displays.
  1. To view the list of the IBase scripts included in the Scripts library, open the Scripts expander.
  • Each IBase script in the list is identified by a name, a description, the version, an indication about whether or not (True/False) a script is signed (certified), and the name of who signed the script.
IBase Scripts Library

You need to check the following IBase scripts located on system at
[Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_IBase_HQ_1\Scripts:

  • IBaseConfigurationScript.json
    Contains Object models and properties related to Management Station Objects. This file is provided by IBase extension module.
  • IBaseHelperScript.js
    Sets the Properties in the Object Configurator that display when you select Applications > Advanced Application > System Information.
  • IBase ObjectConfigurator Properties
  • IBaseSampleConfiguration.json
    A sample configuration file, serving as template, which can be used by other sub-systems to create their own IBaseConfigurationScript.js file. You must rename this file as IBaseConfigurationScript.js and save a local copy for modification.
  • System Information\IBaseScript.js
    The main IBase Script, which is displayed in the Script Editor under Applications > Logics > Scripts > IBase Script. When executed, it generates the IBase report gathering information for the current project including all the data managed by the extension modules.

If any of the required IBase scripts are missing or if the version is not the one you expect according to the latest technical information, contact the System Librarian.

5 – (Optional) Set the Equipment IDs for the IBase Report

Do this procedure to configure discipline-specific equipment IDs that will display in the IBase report. For more details see Equipment IDs in the IBase Report.

  • You obtained the default equipment ID as well as the discipline-specific equipment IDs that you want to display in the IBase report.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Advanced Applications > System Information.
  • A list of properties displays in the Extended Operation tab.
  1. (Optional) To configure the default equipment ID
    a. Enter the value in the Equip.ID – Default field.
    b. Click Apply.
    NOTE: The default equipment ID you set here will be included in the IBase report. If the report includes information for multiple disciplines, the default equipment ID is set for all the reported disciplines.
  1. (Optional) To configure the discipline-specific equipment IDs:
    a. Select the Extended Operation tab.
    b. Type in the equipment ID for each discipline listed:
    - Equip. ID-Management Platform
    - Equip. ID-Building Infrastructure
    - Equip. ID-Fire
    - Equip. ID-Building Automation
    - Equip. ID-Security
    - Equip. ID-Energy Management
    - Equip. ID-Notification
    c. Click Apply to set the equipment ID for each discipline.
  • The discipline specific equipment IDs are set. The data from various disciplines is displayed under the equipment IDs set for that discipline in the IBase report, when generated.
    NOTE: If the IBase report contains information for more than one discipline, and if you have not set the discipline-specific equipment ID, the Equip. ID – Default is set for those disciplines in the report.