KNX Conversion Tool

For Desigo CC projects 4.2 and higher, you can convert a KNX project file (a file with extension .knxproj) exported from ETS.
These settings are saved in a JSON file that will be used for the import into Desigo CC.
For instructions, see Configuring KNX Import Settings - Buses, Secure Option, Devices, and Objects.

The executable file ToolKNX.exe is located in the AdditionalSW\KNX_ConfGeneratorTool folder of the software distribution available locally or on the distribution media.

When you start the KNX Tool Converter tool, you must:

  • Select the KNXProj file to convert.
    NOTE: The possibility to select an ESF file (a file with extension .esf) is no longer available, because this type of configuration file was only a generic configuration file whose data were structured exclusively for the import of the KNX hierarchical structure of objects into Management View, and not structured to generate the logical or the geographical view.
  • Specify the appropriate converter version.
  • Configure KNX buses, secure option (optional), and devices.
  • Specify any additional settings, which devices are those to import or whose configuration is to be retrieved when the adapter is started.

Once the KNXProj file is converted, a new configuration file is automatically created in the same directory of the original source file with the same name and extension .json.

A file with extension .json.orig is also created. This file is required to reset the configuration from the conversion tool. Do not delete this file. If deleted, the configuration reset will no longer be possible.