DF8000 Reference

This section contains background information about the DF8000 I/O system, which can be connected to the NK823x Ethernet Port .

For the relevant integration procedures, see Configuring the DF8000 I/O via I2C and Configuring the DF8000 I/O via COM Port.

For detailed information about DF8000 connections to NK823x, see NK823x - DF8003 Connections.

Overview of DF8000

The DF8000 is the I/O system that provides input/output solutions for safety and security applications.

A DF8000 unit is composed by an intelligent module (CPU module DF8003) and by up to six input (DF8040/45/46) or output (DF8020) modules. DF8003 has replaced the previous CF9003 CPU module, which is still compatible.

DF8000 units are connected to NK823x via a serial connection, RS232 or RS485. Some DF8000 I/O modules can also be used, without the DF8003 CPU module, directly connected to the NK8000 units. For both cases, the valid configurations are listed below.

Due to the communication protocol characteristics, DF8000 units are defined as single units (1 to 3 modules) or double units (4 to 6 modules). On a multi-drop RS485 bus, you can install 16 single units or 8 double units. Combinations of single and double units are allowed taking into account that a double unit takes two consecutive addresses in the range 0-15.

For more information, including hardware installation and configuration, refer to the DF8000 documentation.

DF8000 Reference Documentation

DF8000 Input / Output Multiplexing System

  • Installation, Function & Configuration, Commissioning, and Safety Regulations: A6V10081388
  • Datasheet: A6V10081184

DF8000 I/O Specifications

Digital Inputs (DF8040 8-in module):

  • Suitable to NO or NC dry contacts or open collector signals
  • Max forward current: 7 mA at 33Vdc
  • Over voltage protection on input lines: 1K V
  • Input voltage limit: 33V

Supervised Digital Inputs (DF8045/46 4-in modules):

  • Suitable to NO (DF8046) or NC (DF8046) supervised dry contacts
  • Max forward current: 7 mA at 33Vdc
  • Over voltage protection on input lines: 1K V
  • Input voltage limit: 33V

Digital Outputs (DF8020 8-out module):

  • NO or NC contact
  • Max 1A at 30 Vdc

DF8000 System Limits and Compatibility


  • DF8003
  • CF9003

Maximum Serial Connectivity via NK823x

  • Max. 4 DF8000 serial lines per NK823x unit. See NK823x - DF8003 Connections
  • Max 16 DF8003 single units (or 8 double units) per serial line. Mixed configurations including single and double units are allowed taking into account that a double unit takes 2 consecutive addresses.

Valid DF8000 I/O Configurations on I2C Bus

No DF8003 CPU is required. Up to four I/O modules, or three I/O modules and one DF8090 module (for power supply supervision), can be installed per NK8000 unit. Any combination of DF8020, DF8040, DF8045 and DF8046 modules is allowed.

Valid DF8000 I/O Configurations on serial lines

Up to 6 I/O modules can be installed per DF8003 CPU unit. The following table illustrates the valid configurations. Note that you cannot mix supervised-input modules (DF8045 and DF8046) with on/off modules (DF8020 and DF8040) on the same CPU. Instead, different I/O units can coexist on the same RS485 bus. Note that double units (more than 3 I/O modules) take two consecutive addresses in the range 0-15.

Valid DF8000 I/O Configurations per DF8003 CPU unit

I/O configuration


48 in (double)

6x DF8040

40 in (double)

5x DF8040

32 in (double)

4x DF8040

24 in (single)

3x DF8040

16 in (single)

2x DF8040

8 in (single)

1x DF8040

48 out (double)

6x DF8020

40 out (double)

5x DF8020

32 out (double)

4x DF8020

24 out (single)

3x DF8020

16 out (single)

2x DF8020

8 out (single)

1x DF8020

40 in / 8 out (double)

5x DF8040 + 1x DF8020

32 in / 8 out (double)

4x DF8040 + 1x DF8020

24 in / 8 out (double)

3x DF8040 + 1x DF8020

16 in / 8 out (single)

2x DF8040 + 1x DF8020

8 in / 8 out (single)

1x DF8040 + 1x DF8020

32 in/16 out (double)

4x DF8040 + 2x DF8020

24 in/16 out (double)

3x DF8040 + 2x DF8020

16 in/16 out (double)

2x DF8040 + 2x DF8020

8 in / 16 out (double)

1x DF8040 + 2x DF8020

24 in/24 out (double)

3x DF8040 + 3x DF8020

16 in/24 out (double)

2x DF8040 + 3x DF8020

8 in/24 out (double)

1x DF8040 + 3x DF8020

16 in/32 out (double)

2x DF8040 + 4x DF8020

8 in/32 out (double)

1x DF8040 + 4x DF8020

8 in/40 out (double)

1x DF8040 + 5x DF8020

24 in (double)

6x DF8045 or DF8046

20 in (double)

5x DF8045 or DF8046

16 in (double)

4x DF8045 or DF8046

12 in (single)

3x DF8045 or DF8046

8 in (single)

2x DF8045 or DF8046

4 in (single)

1x DF8045 or DF8046