SPC Troubleshooting

This section contains SPC troubleshooting information.

SPC Import Error Conditions



Do the following...

The specified file is invalid.

The selected file to import is not a valid configuration file.

Retry using a new file.

There are warnings or errors, look at the log file.

The selected file to import is valid, but some data are not supported.

Open the analysis log (Analysis Log button) to check the pre-import log.

Can't continue the import, [specific message]

See the specific message to spot the problem:

  • No driver has been assigned to the SPC.
  • A driver is assigned to the SPC, but it is not running.

Depending on the specific message, assign a driver to the SPC or start the driver.

The Receiver ID configured in the SPC Panel does not match with one assigned to the SPC Driver.

The driver is running in full mode and the driver's Receiver ID does not match any Receiver ID set in the SPC configuration file or it has been left blank (default value: 0).

Enter a valid driver's Receiver ID or modify the SPC configuration to match your Receiver ID.

If you do not know a valid Receiver ID, start the driver in configuration mode to import the SPC configuration file. You need to enter a valid driver's Receiver ID after the import.

Encryption mode not compatible.

The encryption mode set in the SPC for FlexC communication is not compatible with the management platform driver.

Modify the encryption mode in the SPC configuration and set it to Fixed Encryption.

Generic issue during the import.

The import is being done from a Desigo CC installed client or FEP where the project is not activated. This prevents correct transfer of the file to the Desigo CC server.

On the installed client or FEP station where you are doing the import:

  • Start SMC and Activate the project.
  • Restart the Desigo CC application on the station.
  • Attempt to import the configuration file again.

Import cannot be performed. Import would exceed the system load.

Based on the hardware category of the installation, there is a limit to the number of objects a project can have.

The system prevents you from performing imports that would exceed this limit.

The system warns you if an import would approach this limit (90% or more of allowed objects). You can then choose whether to proceed.

If the installation allows for it, you can change the hardware category in the server properties to increase the system objects limit.


SPC Configuration Misalignment Events

Desigo CC can detect a misalignment with the panel configuration. The information provided in Event List helps you to identify the misalignment.

Event type


Do the following...

Cause = Configuration outdated (Re-Import required)

The configuration in Desigo CC does not match the current configuration on the panel. This can happen because:

- You imported an old configuration file that does not correspond to the configuration on the panel.

- The panel configuration was changed after a first import, and you did not import the new configuration into Desigo CC.

Obtain the updated panel configuration file and re-import it into Desigo CC.

Cause = Field configuration outdated (Download required)

Using the SPC web tool, you modified the intrusion system configuration. Then, you imported the new configuration file into Desigo CC, but you did not update the panel.

Download the updated configuration file to the panel.

Source = Unidentified

An unidentified event is generated when a message is received with no corresponding data point. This can happen because:

- The configuration in Desigo CC is misaligned. See Configuration outdated event, above.

- An SPC point was taken out of scan.

To prevent generation of unidentified events, clear the Enable unidentified events check box for the panel before taking the point out of scan. See Disabling Unidentified Events for Out of Scan.

To clear the unidentified event from the list, it is necessary to stop the project and delete the event using SMC.

SPC Operation Problems



Do the following...

Allow Access command on SPC door does not work

From Desigo CC, if you select an SPC door object, the Allow Access command is available in the Extended Operation tab. However clicking this command does not have an effect.

This is a known issue. The Allow Access command on SPC doors doesn't work if sent from Desigo CC.