Scenario: You want to migrate SICLIMAT X graphics.


Reference: For general information on Siclimat X, see Siclimat X Reference.


Workflow diagram:




  • A field network has been created and drivers have been assigned.
  • Siclimat points have been imported using the S7 importer.
  • Customized HVAC libraries (representing project-specific library elements, such as Typicals) are installed and updated in Desigo CC (for example, via project template).



1 – Checking the System Information for Custom Graphics
  • You have exported the System Information Report from SICLIMAT X.
  1. Open the System Information Report file SystemInformationReport.xml with an application that can read XML files.
  • The APICs (Automatic PICtures) section shows a list of standard and custom graphics. System graphics are standard Siclimat X graphics that are automatically mapped to Desigo CC graphics. Custom graphics are customer-specific Siclimat X graphics that must be mapped to Desigo CC functions before you migrate the graphics.
  1. If custom graphics exist, map the custom graphics to Desigo CC functions.


2 – Mapping Custom SICLIMAT X Graphics to Management Platform Graphics
  • You have exported graphics from SICLIMAT X.
  1. Check the System Information Report for custom graphics. For example, 0_VE_EP is a custom graphic.
  1. If there is no equivalent Desigo CC graphic to the custom graphic, create a function and the corresponding symbol for the custom graphic.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > [L4-Project] > BA > Device > Siclimat X > Import Rules.
  1. In the Import Rules tab, open the Instance Attributes Mapper expander.
  1. Click Add to add a new row.
  1. In the Value of Function Key field, enter the name of the custom graphic, for example 0_VE_EP.
  1. In the Function name field, select the function you want to map to the custom graphic.
  1. In the Discipline, Subdiscipline, Type, and Subtype fields, select the desired entries.
  1. Click Save.


3 – Customizing the SICLIMAT X Graphic Migration Settings File
  1. Open the Siclimat Graphic Migration Settings File (SiclimatGraphicMigrationSettings.xml) with an application that can read XML files. The file is located in your project files under: \libraries\BA_Software_Siclimat_Graphics_Migration_HQ_1\GraphicsMigrationSettings
  1. Edit the entries.

The Siclimat Graphic Migration Settings file



Settings > Configurations > Layout > Name

The name of the layout template

Settings > Configurations > Layout > TargetPageWidth

The width of the page

Settings > Configurations > Layout > TargetPageHeight

The height of the page

Settings > Configurations > Layout > AspectRatioFactor

The aspect ratio factor

Settings > Configurations > SymbolPlacement > ClimbingFactor

The climbing strategy:

  1. The climbing factor is defined at the start.
  2. If an element contains N data points, the default symbol of the semantic function for each data point is selected.
  3. If the semantic function is not present, the semantic function of the parent is searched up to the climbing factor steps.
  4. If nothing is found in the climbing parents, the default symbol of the object model is selected.
  5. Only one instance of the same overlapping symbol is selected.
  6. If different symbols overlap, all different instances are selected.

Settings > Configurations > SymbolPlacement > RemovableElementOpacity

The opacity of the removable element

Settings > Configurations > JumpTag > Width

The width of the jump tag

Settings > Configurations > JumpTag > Height

The height of the jump tag

Settings > Configurations > TextConfigurations > Width

The width of the text box

Settings > Configurations > TextConfigurations > Height

The height of the text box

Settings > Transformations > LineWidth > LineWidthFactor

The factor of the line width

Settings > Transformations > JoinStyles > Mapping description

The way the lines are joined, for example, the line corners have sharp edges or are rounded

Settings > Transformations > LineStyles > Mapping description

The style of the line, for example, solid or dashes

Settings > Transformations > CapStyles > Mapping description

The style of the cap

Settings > Transformations > Font > MappingFont

The source (SICLIMAT X) and target (Desigo CC) font. The source font cannot be changed.

4 – Migrating SICLIMAT X Graphics to the Management Platform
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Conversion Tools > Siclimat Graphics Migration.
  1. Click the Graphics Migration tab.
  1. In the Networks drop-down list box, select a network.
  1. Click Browse.
  1. Select the folder containing the graphics you want to import. The folder must contain the data point and graphics folders. The graphics folder must contain the files you want to import. The data points folder must contain the data points XML file.
  1. Click OK.
  • The graphics from the folder you selected are displayed.
  • If the folder does not contain a graphics or a data points folder, or if the graphic files have a wrong schema, the analysis log is generated. Click Analysis Log to open the log.
  1. Select the graphics you want to import.
  1. Click the Start button.
  • When the migration is completed, the migrated graphics are saved under Applications > Graphics. You can edit the migrated graphics in the Graphics Editor.
  1. (Optional) To see the status of the migrated files, such as how many files were migrated successfully or with errors, and errors generated per file, click Import Log. You can copy the text from the window and paste it into a text file.


5 – Editing Migrated Graphics
  • You have migrated SICLIMAT X graphics to Desigo CC.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Graphics.
  1. Double-click the migrated graphic to open it in the Graphics Editor.
  • The migrated graphic contains different layers with elements, such as basic shapes, Desigo CC symbols, page navigation buttons.
  1. Switch the layers on/off to see the graphic elements and edit them.


The 0th layer (image layer) contains the image (if an image exists in the XML files). For example, in the following figure the selected image check box shows this layer.

The up to Nth layers (basic shapes layers) contain basic shapes, such as rectangle, circle, line. For example, in the following figure the selected 2, 7, 9, 10, and 15 check boxes show these layers.

The N+1 layer (symbol layer) contains Desigo CC symbol instances. For example, in the following figure the selected 16 check box shows this layer.

The N+2 layer (removable elements layer) contains basic shapes that are replaced by Desigo CC symbol instances and can be removed from the graphic. For example, in the following figure the selected 17 check box shows this layer.

The N+3 layer (page navigation button layer) contains symbols acting as page navigation buttons. For example, in the following figure the selected 18 check box shows this layer.