Scenario: You want to integrate SICLIMAT X into the management platform.


Reference: For background information on engineering SICLIMAT X, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:




  • The latest building service pack is installed (SP101 Bausteine + Typicals).
  • The exporter tool for the SICLIMAT X integration is delivered with the SP501: Export Tools for Desigo CC V3.0 Migration Service Pack. After the installation, the executables are located in the system directories. The export can be executed with user sicx only.
  • The configuration settings of the CPUs are checked.
    NOTE: CPU names must be unique in the PCC configuration files ($SICX_CONFIG/ For example, AS01, AS02, and so on.
  • EPT run is checked.
  • PG-Path is checked.
  • Hierarchy is checked.

To speed configuration, make sure the Desigo CC Transaction Mode is set to Simple or the Automatic Switch of Transaction Mode is set to True.
The automatic switch setting is recommended. Without it, to re-enable the logs, you need to set the Transaction Mode to Logging at the end of the configuration procedure.



1 – Check the Prerequisites and Configuration

In order to successfully integrate SICLIMAT X into the system, before you start the exporter program, you must check some prerequisites and some settings in SICLIMAT X.

The current version of the system supports SICLIMAT X V4.1.

Check List

  1. Check that the latest building service pack is installed (SP101 Bausteine + Typicals).
  1. Check the configuration settings of the CPUs.
    NOTE: CPU names must be unique in the PCC configuration files ($SICX_CONFIG/ For example, AS01, AS02, and so on.
  1. Check EPT run.
  1. Check PG-Path.
  1. Check Hierarchy.

Installing the Service Pack

The exporter tool for the SICLIMAT X integration is delivered with the SP501: Export Tools for Desigo CC V3.0 Migration Service Pack.

Check that the Service Pack is installed.

After the installation, the executables are located in the system directories. The export can be executed with user sicx only.

Post-Processing the Exported Data

To avoid inconsistent behaviors, before starting with the management platform configuration, the exported schedules must be locked or deleted.


2 – Start the Project
  1. Launch the System Management Console (SMC).
  • The System Management Console window displays.
  1. In the SMC tree, select History Infrastructure.
    a. Click Add.
    b. Under Settings, enter the database name.
    c. Click Save .
  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects.
    a. Click Create Project . The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
    b. Select SICLIMAT X and any other required modules.
    c. Click OK.
  1. In the New project page, configure the following settings:
    a. Server Project Information: Enter the project name, select the languages and assign the database.
    b. User Credentials: Enter the passwords.
    c. Click Save .
  • The new project is created as child under the Projects roots in the SMC tree.
  1. The new project is in Stopped state, and you must activate it as follows:
    a. Select the project.
    In the Project Settings toolbar, click Activate Project .
  1. Click Start Project .


3 – Configure the PG/PC Interface
  • Any pre-existing Simatic S7 EM project is stopped.
  1. Click Start > Control Panel > PG/PC interface (32bit).
  1. Assign the network adapter for S7 TCP/IP communication.
    NOTE: <Networkcard>.TCPIP.x <Active> is recommended. (do not use *ISO* or *Auto* network adapter).
  1. Click Diagnostics.
  1. In the SIMATIC NET Diagnostics window, do the following:
    a. Click Test.
    b. Click OK.
  1. In the Set PG/PC Interface dialog box, click OK.
  • The PG/PC interface is configured.


4 – Create the S7 Driver
  • You are logged onto Desigo CC
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers.
  1. Select the Object Configurator tab.
  1. Click Add , and select New S7 Driver.
  1. In the New object dialog box, enter a description.
  1. Click OK.
  • The S7 driver is available in System Browser.
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, click Start.
  • The Status property displays Started or Failed.


5 – Create the S7 Network
  • The S7 driver is started.
  1. Select Project > Field Networks.
  1. Select the Object Configurator tab.
  1. Click Add , and select New S7 Network.
  1. In the New object dialog box, enter a name and description.
  1. Click OK.
  • The S7 network object is available in System Browser.

You can create one or more S7 networks depending on the system configuration.


6 – Configure the S7 Network
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, configure the following parameters:
    a. Polling Active: passive or active.
    b. Polling Interval: it can be set for each S7 network in milliseconds.
  1. In the S7 tab, open the Network Setting expander.
  1. From the Monitored by driver drop-down list, select the S7 Driver.
  1. Click Save .

Supported Polling Intervals












































































7 – Configure a S7 Device

The following procedure describes how to modify the configuration of an S7 device.

  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [S7 network] > [S7 device to be modified].
  1. Select the S7 tab.
  1. Open the Device Information expander.
    This expander displays the S7 device data settings. You can view the Device instance (S7 device numeric ID) and Device Name (name of the S7 device) and modify the following parameters:
  • S7 Type (S7 CPU type)
  • Device Description (S7 device short description)
  • Connection Type: ISOonTCP (IP)
    : The Named connection (NC) type is not used in SICLIMAT X.
  • S7 Access Point: (must always be) S7ONLINE
  • IP Address: (IP address of the PLC used to establish a connection to a PLC)
  • Rack: (S7 CPU Rack number)
  • Slot: (S7 CPU Slot number)
    NOTE: Default is Slot = 2. It must be changed for S7-400.
  1. Open the Time Sync Information expander and specify the following parameters:
  • Time Sync Mode
    This parameter determines if and how the current time on the PLC will be accessed and/or modified. The following values are allowed:
    - Ignore: The time on the PLC is neither read nor written.
    - Master: The time on the PLC is changed to the current management platform server date and time.
    - Slave: The current time is read from the PLC in the configured interval (Time Sync Interval).
  • Time Sync Interval
    This interval in seconds determines how often the current time is read from the PLC or written to the PLC.
  1. Click Save .
  • The S7 device configuration is saved.

You can view all the device parameters in the Extended Operation tab.

You can also modify some of these parameters, namely:

  • Device communication
    Stop or start the device communication online (driver is already started).
  • Communication On Startup
    Enable or disable the device communication with the driver. Changes are applied only after the driver is stopped and restarted.
  • NOTE:
    If Communication On Startup = Active, the device will start the communication when the driver starts even if Device communication = Inactive.
    If Communication On Startup = Inactive, the device will never start the communication when the driver starts (even if Device communication = Active). In order to communicate with the S7 device, the Device communication must be set to Active again.

  • Heartbeat Cycle
    Define the timeout in seconds between heartbeat requests sent to each connection.
  • Heartbeat Response
    Define the maximum time in seconds allowed without receiving response from any connections before the connection is considered failed.
  • Lifebeat Timeout
    Define the timeout in seconds used by the driver to monitor connection errors.


8 – Checking the Hierarchies Mapping
  1. Select Project > Field Networks > S7 Network.
  1. In the Siclimat Import tab, open the Hierarchies Mapping expander, and define the destination in the optional views (logical view and User View) of the data structures (hierarchies).
  • The suggested field indicates the correct view root to link for each specific hierarchy.
  1. To assign a hierarchy to a destination view:
    a. In System Browser, select User View or logical view.
    b. Drag the view root element to the suggested field.
  • The hierarchies settings that you configured are activated and applied during configuration data import.


9 – Import the SICLIMAT X Project Data Files
  • One or more valid database files are available locally or by browsing for the reachable network file.
  1. Select Project > Management Station > Servers > Main Server > Drivers.
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, select the Transaction Mode property.
    a. In the drop-down list, select Simple.
    b. Click Apply.
    NOTE: The Simple option reduces import time, since not all import transactions are written to the project log database. Following engineering, the project must be reset to Logging.
  1. Select Project > Subsystem Networks > [Network name] and click the Siclimat Import tab.
  • The Import page displays.
  1. Click Open at the top of the page to go to the database files.
  1. In the Files of type drop-down list, select the file type .xml.
  1. Select the desired import files.
  • [file name].xml
  1. Click Open.
  • The preprocessor analyzes the selected file. Click Log Analysis for additional information in case of an error.
  1. In the Source column, select .
    NOTE: If Delete unselected items from the views is selected, all automation stations and the linked objects that are not in the selected import file are deleted. The main nodes must be manually deleted in Views for Logical View and User View.
  1. Click Import.
  • The import procedure starts with the first file in the Items to Import list. The import state displayed on the Status bar.
  • At the end of the import procedure, a message displays that summarizes the results and provides access to a detail log. Click Import log.
    NOTE: The import is not executed if the number of data points exceeds system limits. Check the Number of data points entered in project size.
  1. Select Project > Management Station > Servers > Main Server.
  1. In the Extended Operation tab, select the Transaction Mode property.
    a. In the drop-down list, select Logging.
    b. Click Set.

The SICLIMAT X system provides APIC references for hierarchy elements and specific data point types only. However the SICLIMAT X APIC reference is used to assign a function during the import. In case of a warning about No matching function for [FunctionName], object: [ObjectName], you must manually assign a function to the individual data point in order to use system functions.
NOTE 2 :
When re-importing data, the following changes to the object will be deleted and re-imported with the values from the XML file:
- Changes to the Alarm Configuration
- Changes to the User/Logical Hierarchy
On importing a SICLIMAT object, the No alarm on driver invalid check box in the Alarm Configuration section of the Object Configurator tab is selected by default. This ensures that if an alarm is configured on the default value, it is not triggered even if the communication between Desigo CC and the sub-system controller is broken.