MM8000 Import Compatibility and Limits

MM8000 Version Compatibility

  • MM8000 projects MP4.50 or higher

Import Features

The following items can be imported:

  • Geographical tree structures, converted into management platform views
  • Graphical maps and pages, ported into management platform graphics
  • Supported subsystems:
    • CS11 AlgoRex EP5 and EP7
    • FS20 Sinteso
    • FS20 Desigo Fire
    • NK823x Ethernet Port, including DF8000 via I2C Bus
    • DF8000 via COM Port
    • Sintony Intrusion
    • SPC Intrusion
    • STT20 and STT11
    • XLS FireFinder
    • MK7022 Cerloop Interface
    • SiPass Integrated access control

Subsystem Network Preparation Checklist

The import procedure does not create any network in Desigo CC and expects instead that the Desigo CC configuration contains the same network as in MM8000, as far as the subsystems to import are concerned.

Use the following checklist for configuring the correct parameters, for each involved subsystem, before starting the MM8000 migration.

Failing to prepare a correct network can prevent the import process from completing properly, or result in the system prompting you to resolve ambiguous cases during the import.

  • AlgoRex CS11
    • Same CK11 and CC11 Local Address
    • Same imported metafiles
    • Same textual description of the CC11/CK11 nodes (recommended, used to identify the unit in multiple configurations)
  • DF8000 via NK823x COM Port
    • Same DF8003 local address
    • Same configuration of DF8020/DF804x modules
  • FS20 Sinteso, FS20 Desigo Fire, FS720 Cerberus Pro, FS92 Cerberus Pro
    • Same imported metafiles
  • MK7022 Cerloop Interface
    • Same MK7022 Local Address
    • Same Textual Description of the MK7022 node (recommended, used to identify the unit in multiple configurations)
  • NK823x Ethernet Port, including DF8000 via I2C Bus
    • Same IP Address
    • Same configuration of DF8020/DF804x/DF8090 modules
  • Sintony Intrusion
    • Same imported panel configuration
    • Same textual description of the SI400 panel node (recommended, used to identify the unit in multiple configurations)
  • SiPass Integrated
    • Same SiPass Server Address Computer Name (Access API Host Name in Desigo CC, case sensitive)
  • SPC Intrusion
    • Same IP address (Driver)
    • Same imported panel configuration
  • STT20 BACnet
    • Same Imported metafiles
    • Same textual description of the STT20 panel node (recommended, used to identify the unit in multiple configurations)
  • STT20/STT11 Cerloop
    • Same Local Address
    • Same Imported metafiles
    • Same textual description of the STT11/STT20 panel node (recommended, used to identify the unit in multiple configurations)
  • XLS FireFinder
    • Same imported configuration files

How to handle multiple projects

  1. Importing multiple MM8000 projects into one Desigo CC project
    • This is possible. You just need to import one MM8000 project after the other. Note that geographical trees or maps with the same name will be overwritten. Make sure not to have name duplications.
      You may need to change the names in one of the MM800 projects before importing.
  2. Importing one MM8000 project into multiple Desigo CC projects belonging to a distributed system.
    • This is possible. You just need to import the MM8000 project as many times as necessary and select each time the geographical trees and maps to import.

Operating Limitations

  • The MM8000 import is not available on web-based stations. To run the MM8000 import, you need to use a Windows Installed Client.

Import Limitations

  1. Object types
    • While maps and geographical trees are imported, other MM8000 objects, including macros (MM8000 sequences) and reactions are NOT imported.
    • The following object types are NOT imported due to the different model compared to MM8000 (folder nodes in the MM8000 structure that have no direct application use):
      - Physical tree
      - Logical tree
      - FDnet
      - Physical channel
      - Cause
      - Effect
      - Command Cause/Effect
      - Unidentified Event
      - Verification elements
      DF8000 via NK823x COM Port
      - DF8000 System
      - Control Subsystem
      - CPU
      SiPass Integrated
      - Physical Tree
      - Logical Tree
      - Bus (SiPass local network)
      - Door Reader
      - Disabled inputs
      - US Link
      - Link To Element
      - Link To Extinguishing Element
      - Link To Power Supply Element
      - Physical tree
      - Logical tree
      XLS FireFinder
      - Physical tree
      - Logical tree
  2. Visibility of point text in event description paths
    • To shorten the MM8000 event location path, you could control the visibility of some points in the event description path. This function is currently not supported by Desigo CC and the entire path is always shown.
  3. Manual triggers
    • In MM8000, manual triggers are virtual points acting as a simple on/off switch. They can be used to initiate complex reactions with simple commands. Manual triggers are not directly supported by Desigo CC after the import.
      You can then configure macros and command symbols in a graphic that can perform this type of functions.

Graphical Maps Import Limitations

  1. Ambiguous point-symbol association
    • The import procedure creates the association between symbols on graphics and data points, including the Related Items links. If the association cannot be resolved unambiguously, for example if more than one data point is found, the import procedure prompts you to select the correct data point or remove the symbol from the imported map.
  2. AutoCAD
    • AutoCAD files are imported as configured in MM8000, including partial views and layer enabling/disabling settings. After the import, the AutoCAD display configuration cannot be changed.
    • If Paper Space is not set as Model in the AutoCAD files, then the result of importing may not be as expected. In this case, the system logs a warning in the MM8000Import_Results file.
      → Check graphics after importing. The image may look bigger or smaller than in MM8000, and objects in the map, for example detector symbols, may be positioned incorrectly.
  3. WMF
    • WMF vector graphic files are not supported.
      → Check graphics after importing, and replace WMF images.
  4. SmoothFactor and TransparentColor Properties
    • The MM8000 SmoothFactor and TransparentColor properties have no corresponding properties in Desigo CC.
      → Check graphics after importing and verify the color of graphical elements.
  5. Textual descriptions
    • Unlike MM8000, graphical symbols (Points, Graphic Links and Commands) will not have the textual description of the associated object displaying next to the symbol.
      → No action needed. The object description will display as a tooltip and in the Operation or Extended Operation tab.
  6. Graphic Links and Commands
    • The MM8000 Links are only supported for control panels’ objects (detectors, zones, and so on) and maps or manual pages.
      Graphic links to other types of objects, for example an MM8000 sequence, are not supported: the link symbols are not imported and warnings are logged such as:
      Unable to map MM8000 Graphic Link … Unsupported subsystem
      → You can manually add the linked objects to the graphics, for example a macro object.
    • The MM8000 graphical commands are imported as point objects with default symbols. The object commands will be available in System Manager.
  7. Blinking and Fill
    • Blinking and Fill properties are imported as graphical properties, but conditional blinking and color filling based on point states is not supported.
      → Check graphics after importing. You can control Blinking and Fill properties using the animation features based on the Evaluation Editor.
      → Note that blinking is a hide/show cycle that may be different from the MM8000 blinking. For a customized blinking effect, you can use the Brush Editor and manually replace the Blinking property with the Toggle Blinking.
  8. Navigation to child nodes
    • In MM8000, double-clicking a point object results in the associated map being opened. This navigation function is not supported at the moment.
      → You can manually configure a navigation mechanism across graphics. In the Graphic Editor, for each symbol, use the Target property of the Command and Navigation section.
  9. Frame Rectangle
    • MM8000 Frame Rectangles are imported as a standard rectangle (with no 3D-shadow effects).
  10. Graphical Pages
    • Manual Pages from MM8000 Plant Browser are imported, whereas MM8000 Event Treatment pages are not.
      → Investigative treatment can use the imported graphics. If required, configure operating procedures for the assisted treatment, and include a graphic step.
    • Manual pages assigned by default to entire project or to MM8000 scopes are no longer supported.
  11. Reduced symbols size and event-only display
    • MM8000 allows reducing the symbol size until is no longer visible and still having a colored and blinking area to report events. This is not directly supported by the import process.
      To get the same result, you can customize a symbol in the Graphic Editor after the import.
      This condition is reported by the following type of logs:
      TypeDisplay equal to 0 for external object: 'S1_P1.S1_P55.S1198_P1.S1198_P2'. Icon size is set to default: '65

      Icon X size '0' or Y size '0' coming from MM8000 for external object:
      'S1_P1.S1_P4.S1_P10.S1166_P1.S1166_P3.S1166_P92278787.S1166_P88117248' are not valid. Default '65' is used.
  12. Automatic zoom adjustment
    • When displaying a page, MM8000 may adjust the zoom factor to include in the view all points belonging to the same tree-level (sibling points), for example all zones of a fire section.
      This function is currently not supported by Desigo CC.
  13. Visibility and Drop points properties of layers
    • In the layer settings, the MM8000 visibility property (Visible) and the MM8000 drag-and-drop enabling property (Drop points) are no longer supported.
  14. Customized symbols
    • Symbols customized in MM8000 (point icons) are not imported and may or may not be available in Desigo CC. After importing, you must check graphics and see if the standard Desigo CC symbols need to be replaced.
      At that point, if the available symbol variants do not cover the needs, you can develop additional symbols in the graphic editor.

Geographical Trees Import Limitations

  • There are no limitations.