MM8000 Import Log Files

After importing an MM8000 database, you can analyze two report log files.

Summary Log File

This log provides a summary report with errors and warnings. For example:
MM8000 Geographical Trees Import Log
Start Time : 03/13/2017 09:26:17
Completed in : 00:00:01.4691469
Geographical Trees selected for import : 1
Geographical Trees imported successfully : 0
Geographical Trees imported with warnings : 1
Geographical Trees failed to import : 0

Processed nodes: 77
(nodes found in the geographical tree)
Not matching nodes: 0
(nodes that could not be matched with any configured point)
Skipped by the user: 0
(nodes that the user, when asked, decided not to import)
Nodes of unsupported subsystems: 26
(nodes that could not be imported because not supported)

MM8000 Graphics Import Log
Start Time : 03/13/2017 09:26:19
Completed in : 00:00:27.4857483
Graphics selected for import : 18
Graphics imported successfully : 15
Graphics imported with warnings : 3
Graphics failed to import : 0

Graphics imported with warnings:
Map Building A1
File CAD C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\Map2\06_Plan 12.dwg imported from Map Building A1

Unable to map MM8000 point: SubsystemId 251 - NodeId 4194526 - Result is: No Match Found
(node that could not be matched with any configured point)

Unable to map MM8000 point: SubsystemId 253 - NodeId 4194526 - Result is: SubsystemNotFound
(node whose subsystem could not be found)

Unable to map MM8000 point: SubsystemId: 256 - NodeId: 5 - Result is: UnsupportedSubsystem
(nodes that could not be imported because not supported)

Unable to map MM8000 point: SubsystemId: 258 - NodeId: 15 - Result is: UnsupportedNode
(nodes that could not be imported because not supported)

TypeDisplay equal to 0 for external object: 'S1_P1.S1_P55.S1198_P1.S1198_P2'. Icon size is set to default: '65

Icon X size '0' or Y size '0' coming from MM8000 for external object: 'S1_P1.S1_P4.S1_P10.S1166_P1.S1166_P3.S1166_P92278787.S1166_P88117248' are not valid. Default '65' is used.

Detailed Log File

<drive>:Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\MM8000Import_Results yyymmdd hhmmss.txt)
This log contains a record of all actions performed. For example:
GeoTree;Buildings;Success;;;;;;Manual Detector 001;01/002/002/001;;;No error;Imported

GeoTree; Buildings;Failure;;;;;;Emergency Exit 3;01/001/001/001/010010/001;;;NoMatchFound;Not imported

Map;Area;Success;;;Text;2;;;;;;No error;Imported

Map;First floor;Warning;113;106;Graphic point;35;"NPS0:113;106;S1_P1.S113_P1.S113_P2.S113_P6.S113_P18.S113_P88.S113_P106;";Detector;01/002/003/000;;;Unsupported subsystem;Unable to map MM8000 Graphic Point: SubsystemId: 113 - NodeId: 106 - Description: Detector - TechnicalText: 01/002/003/000 -- Result is: Unsupported subsystem