Adding Fans

Desigo CC includes a default fan for all geographical guidelines, standards, and technical versions. The default fan is configured to project requirements after adding to the graphic.

  1. In the Mode group, conduct one of the following actions:
  • Click Design . Previously rotated objects appear in the default direction.
  • (Optional) Click Test . In this case, the fan is not displayed to scale.
  1. In System Browser, select logical view.
  1. Select Logical > [Network name] \...\ [Plant] >
  • [FanEx (Extract air fan)]
  • [FanSu (Supply air fan)]
  • [FanEh (Exhaust air fan)]
  • [FanOa (Outside air fan)]
  • [FanRc (Recirculating fan)]
  1. Drag the object to the graphics page.
  • The added object displays at the maximum scale. All elements configured on the symbol are displayed. This ensures that there is no overlapping with a neighboring object during runtime.

Drag-and-drop only works if a Desigo CC function is assigned to the object after data import.
You can check the object data on each symbol.


  • The fan symbol is added to the graphic.
  1. In the Mode group, click Test .
  • The fan symbol displays as per the important data points and default direction .
  1. Select the fan symbol.
  1. Left-click and hold; right-click until the fan symbol is displayed in the desired direction.
  1. Release the left mouse button.
  • The fan symbol is displayed in the desired direction.

Direct Entry of Direction under Symbol Properties > Substitution > Direction

Fan Direction






In drawing mode, the fan is always displayed in the default state.


Changing the Default
  • The fan symbol is added to the graphic .
  1. In the View tab, select Properties.
  • The Symbol Properties dialog box is enabled.
  1. In the Mode group, click Test .
  • The fan symbol displays as per the imported data points and the selected direction.
  1. Select the fan symbol.
  1. Select Symbol Properties > Substitutions.
  1. In the Style field, enter a number between 0 and 2 (see Table Define Fan Style).
  1. Click ENTER or change to another entry field to activate the change.

Define Fan Style







In drawing mode, the fan is always displayed in the default state.