Customizing SiPass Alarm Tables

Scenario: To signal abnormal and dangerous situations, the system generates events based on internal alarm tables, which are part of the system libraries. The SiPass Integrated library contains the alarm table for SiPass events.

You may want to customize the SiPass alarm tables to display SiPass events as Desigo CC events or hide them, for example Access Granted, Access Denied, Daily Code, and so on.


System malfunction

Incorrect modifications to system libraries will cause the product to malfunction.
Do not modify system libraries unless you have enough knowledge and experience to change them without destroying or corrupting crucial data.


Reference: For background information, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:



  • Desigo CC is configured to integrate a SiPass access control system.
  • You are authorized and trained to customize the system libraries.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 - Create a Customized SiPass Library

Skip this section if the customized SiPass library structure already exists.

  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1 Headquarter > Access > SiPass integrated.
  1. Select the Library Configurator tab.
  1. Click Customize the entire library to a lower level .
  1. Click OK.
  • The structure of the SiPass library is duplicated under the allowed customization level. For example, L4-Project > Access > SiPass integrated.


2 - Create a New Alarm Table in the Customized SiPass Library

You can create multiple customized alarm tables. Skip this section if the alarm table you want to modify already exists in the customized SiPass library.

  1. Select […] > Libraries > L1 Headquarter > Access > SiPass integrated > Alarm Tables > [alarm table].
    You can modify any alarm table. For example, select:
  • SiPass Alarm Table Native to display additional events from the SiPass alarm queue (for example Door Alarms, Door Locks, Passback, and so on).
    In handling the SiPass alarm queue events, the SiPass acknowledgement is supported.
  • SiPass Alarm Table Reader to display access events (for example Access Granted, Access Denied, and so on).
  • SiPass Alarm Table Server to display the events about SiPass user actions (for example, logon, configuration change, new cardholder, and so on).
    By default, the SiPass Alarm Table Server table includes only one entry that allows you to enable all user-action events. Contact support if you want to enable a specific user-action event only.
  1. Click Save As .
  1. In the Save Object As dialog box, as the destination location, select the Alarm Tables block of the customized SiPass library. For example L4-Project > Access > SiPass integrated > Alarm Tables.
  1. Enter a name and description for the customized alarm table. For example, Customized SiPass Alarm Table Reader.
  1. Click OK.
  • A copy of the Headquarters SiPass alarm table is added under the Alarm Tables block of the customized library.
Customized Sipass Library in System Browser


3 - Modify the Alarm Table in the Customized Library
  1. Select the alarm table in the customized SiPass library. For example, […] > Libraries > L4-Project > Access > SiPass integrated > Alarm Tables > [customized SiPass alarm table].
  1. In the Object Configurator tab, open the Alarm Configuration expander.
  • The content of the SiPass alarm table displays.
  1. In the alarm table, use the Event Type column to help you select the row you want to modify.
  1. In each selected alarm table row, you can, for example, do the following:
    - Set Skip Alarm Generation to False to enable Desigo CC event, or choose True to disable it.
    - Configure Auto-Ack and Auto-Reset as needed.
    NOTE: Disabled events do not generate any log in the history database.
  1. Select the Valid check box.
  1. Click Save .
  • The customized alarm table is available. You can now apply it to either a single SiPass point, or to a customized SiPass object model.
SiPass Alarm Configuration Expander


4 - (Option 1) Apply the Modified Alarm Table to a Customized SiPass Object Model

Use this method to modify the alarm table for all SiPass points of a given type. For example, all access control door sets.

  1. In the Headquarter SiPass library, select the SiPass object model you want to customize. For example:
  • […] > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Access > Common > Object Models > AC DoorSet
  • […] > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Access > SiPass integrated > Object Models > SiPass Server
  1. In the Models & Functions tab, click Customize .
    NOTE: If the icon is dimmed it means that the selected SiPass object model is already customized. Skip to step 4.
  1. Click OK.
  • The customized object model is added to the customized SiPass library.
  1. Select the customized object model. For example [...] > Libraries > L4-Project > Access > Common > Object Model > AC DoorSet.
  1. In the Models & Functions tab, open the Properties expander.
  1. In the list on the left, select the Property of this object model to which you want to associate the modified alarm table. This must be one for which the FS column is checked. For example, Alarm.Reader1State.
    NOTE: Pay attention to replace the correct customized table in the properties that are linked to the corresponding original table. For more information, search for Assigning an Alarm Table to an Object Model.
  • The Details, Alarm Configuration and other expanders on the right update to show the settings of the selected property.
  1. In the Alarm Configuration expander:
    a. Leave the Alarm Configuration field set to Field system.
    b. From the Alarm table reference drop-down list, select the [customized SiPass alarm table] that you want to use for this customized object model.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Stop and then re-start the SiPass driver to enable the new table. See Stopping and Starting the SiPass Driver.
  • The modified alarm table will apply to all the SiPass points that are based on this object model.


4 - (Option 2) Apply the Modified Alarm Table to Individual SiPass Points

Use this method, for example, to modify the alarm table only for a specific door reader, rather than for all door readers.

  1. Select the SiPass point for which you want to use the modified alarm table. For example Project > Field Network > [SiPass network] > [SiPass server] > […] > [Doors] > [Entry Single Door 1 Reader].
    NOTE: You can also use CTRL or SHIFT to make a multiple selection, for example of two or more door readers to which you want to apply the same modified alarm table.
  1. In the Object Configurator tab, open the Properties expander.
  1. In the list on the left, select the Property of this object to which you want to associate the modified alarm table. This must be one corresponding to the selected object, for which the FS column is checked. For example, Alarm.Reader1State.
  • The Details, Alarm Configuration and other expanders on the right update to show the settings of the selected property.
  1. In the Alarm Configuration expander:
    a. Set the Valid field so it displays a gray (not blue) checkmark.
    b. Leave the Alarm Configuration field to Field system.
    c. From the Alarm table reference drop-down list, select the [customized SiPass alarm table] that you want to use for this object.
  1. Click Save .
  1. Stop and then re-start the SiPass driver to enable the new table. See Stopping and Starting the SiPass Driver.
  • The modified alarm table will apply to the selected SiPass points.
Assign a Customized Alarm Table to an Object