Simulating Properties

Value simulation allows you to simulate COVs for data points while not online.

  • You have a graphic open with elements whose properties have data points or values have evaluations applied to them in the Evaluation Editor view.
  1. Navigate to the Value Simulator view.
  1. Expand the Automatic section and enable the Run Value Simulator check box.
  1. From the drop-down menu, choose a simulation pattern and enter values for the Sample Rate and Cycle.
  • NOTE: The Cycle field is disabled if you have selected Random simulation.
  1. You can manually enter the minimum and maximum value range for the data points in the simulation or have the range calculated automatically. Do one of the following:
  • Check the Auto Range box to enable automatic calculation of the minimum and maximum value range for each data point selected for simulation.
  • Enter a value in the Min and Max fields for manual range entry.
  1. In the Manual section, do the following:
  • Check the Auto Range box to enable automatic range selection or enter a value in the Min and Max fields for manual range entry.
  • Check the Snap to Tick Marks box to increment the slider values 1/10th apart. When you move the slider, it will jump to the nearest tick mark.
  1. The Object Selection and Control section displays a list of all the available data points in the graphic. Check the Simulate box for the data points you want to include in the simulation.
  1. (Optional) In the Graphic Template section, drag a data point instance from System Browser to the Object Reference field. The object reference is not stored in the graphic template, it is purely for testing. A graphic template always has to be opened indirectly via a data point in order to see the correct COV values.
  1. On the Home tab, from the Mode group, select Test.
  • Test mode is enabled and the simulation of the selected data point values begins.
Related Topics

For background information, see Value Simulation.

For workspace overview, see Value Simulator View.