Properties and Commands of a Macro

When you select a macro object in System Browser, its properties and commands display in the Operation tab.




Operational Status

Indicates whether the macro is enabled (meaning it is available to be run by the user):

  • Enabled: the macro is currently active, and the Disable command is available.
  • Disabled: the macro is currently inactive, and the Enable command is available.
  • Disable: Disabling a macro prevents it from being executed by any operators or stations, while still retaining the macro within the system. For example, you might do this for macros that are not yet complete or ready to be put into general use. You can only disable a macro if it is Idle.
  • Enable: Enabling a macro makes it available to be executed by all authorized users of the system or by Desigo CC itself. If a macro is disabled, you must enable it before you can execute it. Newly-created macros are enabled by default.

For instructions, see Enabling or Disabling Macros.

Activity Status

Indicates whether the macro is currently running, aborting, or not running:

  • Executing: the macro is running.
  • Idle: the macro is not running.
  • Aborting: the macro is in the process of stopping.
  • Abort: Interrupts execution of the macro. You can abort a macro if it is currently Executing. Note that a macro in execution can be aborted at any time regardless of whether any of its instructions will be executed with an initial delay.
  • Execute: Runs the macro. You can only execute a macro if it is Enabled and Idle. When the macro finishes running, an execution successful message displays alongside the command, and the Last Execution properties update accordingly.

Last Execution Status

Indicates the outcome the last time the macro was run:

  • Never Executed: the macro has not previously been run.
  • Succeeded: the previous execution of the macro ended successfully.
  • Aborted by user
  • Failed
  • Partially failed


Last Execution User

Name of the user who last executed the macro.


Last Execution Time

Date and time when the macro was last executed.



Disabling Macros

When you disable a macro, the Desigo CC station generates an event. This event is automatically cleared when you re-enable the macro.

Do not disable any of the system macros (in the Backups or Block Command Macros folders), as this will prevent the system from properly executing the associated functions. If a macro is used in a reaction or other automated logic (schedule, and so on) then disabling the macro will result in a failure of the corresponding reaction/schedule. Also, if a macro is invoked by another macro (nested macros) then disabling it will result in a failure of the calling macro.