Timeline Viewer

Select any of the procedures for information on timeline viewer. For background information, see timeline viewer reference.


Add a Schedule to the Timeline Viewer
  • Timeline Viewer is open and displaying one or more schedules.
  1. In System Browser, select the Manual navigation check box.
  1. Navigate to the schedule you want to add.
  1. Drag the schedule into the Timeline Viewer.
  • The system adds the schedule to the timeline viewer.


Bring the Current Day into View
  • Using the Time Range scrollbar, you have scrolled away from the current day and would like to return to it quickly.
  • Click Show Today .
    NOTE: Clicking Show Today does not affect any preset time period you have chosen.


Change the Preset Time Span
  1. Click Preset time spans .
  1. Select the time span you want to display in the viewer.
  • The timeline viewer displays the new selection.


Zoom In and Zoom Out
  • You want to decrease or increase the viewable span of the timeline.
  • Click Zoom In or Zoom Out .
    NOTE: Each time you click the icon, the timeline decreases or increases to the next preset time period.