Importing Localized Texts

Scenario: You want to import some previously-localized texts into a project, to make a new language available.

  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project.
  1. Select the Localization tab.
  1. In the Import expander, click Browse.
  1. In the Select the files to import dialog box, do the following:
    a. Select the localized XML files to import.
    b. Click OK.
  • The Views and Libraries lists display the selected items.
    NOTE: If the selected files do not contain views or libraries data, a message informs you and the Import button remains unavailable.
  1. Click Import.
  • The import starts. Once started you cannot abort. Check its status in the progress bar. When the operation is complete, the Import dialog box displays the outcome.
  1. (Optional) Click Open Log to view the details of the import operation. This may include:
  • Outcome of importing each XML file. If import of the views XML file fails, no views texts will be imported, because they are all contained together in this file. If the import of a library XML file fails, that will not affect the successful import of texts for other libraries, because each library has a separate file.
  • Discarded Views. If the views XML file contains texts for any views not available in this project, these are discarded during the import (the Status column will display Not Processed).
  • Tree nodes not present in the localization files (because they were not localized).
  • The imported localized texts become available in the Desigo CC project.