Filtering Event List

You can filter the list of events, for example, so that it only shows events belonging to a certain category (such as Fault), or events for which a specific command (such as Acknowledge) is available.


Filter by Category with Event Lamps
  • The Summary bar contains at least one event lamp (category) for which there are events.
  1. In the Summary bar, click the event lamp whose events you want to view.
  • Event List displays a filtered list containing only the events belonging to the category of that event lamp. The event lamp you clicked changes color to indicate a filter is active. The color of the filter icon changes to red . The Event List header displays the currently applied filter.
  1. Click the same event lamp again to remove the category filter.


Apply a Simple Filter
  • You want to filter Event List by a single criterion, for example, category, date/time, discipline, or source status.
  1. In the Summary bar, click the filter icon .
  1. Select what you want to filter by (for example, Event Status), and then click the criterion you want to apply (for example, Unprocessed).
  • Event List is filtered to show only the events that match the criterion. The color of the filter icon changes to red . The Event List header displays the currently applied filter.
  • To remove the filter, click and select Remove Filter.

NOTE: This type of filter only applies one criterion at a time. If you repeat the above steps to select a different criterion (for example, Source Status=Active, or Date and Time=Last hour) the previously applied filter will be cleared. To apply multiple criteria, see Apply Advanced Filter, below.


Apply an Advanced Filter
  • You want to filter Event List by multiple criteria simultaneously.
  1. In the Summary bar, click filter and select Advanced Filter.
  • The Advanced Filter dialog box displays.
  1. If you want to filter by category, discipline, event status, and/or source status:
    a. Select the check box for the criterion you want to apply (for example, Category) then select one or multiple values. For example, Life Safety and Fault.
    b. Repeat the preceding step for any other criteria you want to apply. For example, Discipline.
  1. Use the drop-down lists to specify any other filter criteria you want to apply:
  • Location/Designation: Enter some part of the System Browser path or designation of the event source. For example, Management System.Clients.
  • Name/Description: Enter some part of the name or description of the event source. For example, Main Server.
  • System (available only for distributed systems)
  • Date and Time: Filter based on when the events occurred. For example, yesterday or last quarter hour.
  • Tag: Set whether you want to selectively show or hide tagged events.
  • Maintenance: Set whether to see only Maintenance or only Genuine events.
  • Show hidden events: Set whether to show events that were hidden owing to the internal logic of field panels.
  1. Click OK.
  • The list of events is filtered accordingly, and you can check what criteria you applied in the Event List header.
  1. If required, proceed to: Save an Event List Filter for Future Use, below.


Save an Event List Filter for Future Use
  • You applied a filter to Event List and want to save it for future reuse.
  1. In the Summary bar, click the filter icon and select Advanced Filter.
  • The Advanced Filter dialog box opens, displaying the currently applied filter criteria.
  1. Do the following:
    a. (Optional) Specify any filter criteria.
    b. In the Filter name field, enter a name.
    c. Click Save.
  • The filter is saved. Filters that you save in this way are user-specific and will not be visible to other users of the system.
  1. To reuse the filter, proceed to Apply a Previously Saved Event List Filter, below.


Apply a Previously Saved Event List Filter
  • You previously saved an Event List filter for future use.
  1. In the Summary bar, click the filter icon and select Advanced Filter.
  1. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, do the following:
    a. From the Saved filters drop-down list, select the filter you want to apply.
    b. Click Apply.
  • Event List is filtered.


Modify or Delete a Saved Event List Filter
  • You previously saved an Event List filter for future use.
  1. In the Summary bar, click the filter icon and select Advanced Filter.
  1. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, select the filter you want to apply from the Saved filters drop-down list.
  • To modify the filter, change the filter criteria and click Update.
  • To delete the filter, click Delete.


Remove All Filters from Event List
  • You want to remove all the filters currently applied to Event List.
  • In the Summary bar, click the filter icon and select Remove Filter.
  • Event List displays an unfiltered list, containing all the events. The color of the filter icon changes to gray .


Autoremove Filters When a New Event Comes In

When you apply filters to Event List, it means you will not see any new incoming events that do not match the current filter criteria. To avoid missing events, you can configure the system to automatically remove all filters whenever a new event comes in.

To enable autoremove:

  • Click the filter icon , and select Autoremove on New Events (if it is not already selected: a checkmark indicates that the option is already active).
  • When new events come in any applied filters will be automatically removed.

To disable autoremove:

  • Click the filter icon and deselect Autoremove on New Events.
  • Any applied filters will persist even if new events come in.


Manually Tag Events in Event List

Event List includes a column that lets you manually tag individual events. You can then use filters to selectively show or hide events you have tagged in this way. Any tags you apply are valid only during the current client session. When you restart the client application, Event List defaults back to all events untagged.

  1. Move your cursor in the Tag column of an event.
  1. Click the tag icon that displays on mouseover.
  • The event is now tagged and marked with .
  1. To untag the event, click again.
  1. To selectively show/hide the tagged events, proceed to Apply or Remove a Tag Filter.


  • You can also use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple events to tag or untag them all together with a single click.
  • In case of recurrent events, tagging/untagging a parent affects all its child recurrences. You can also separately tag/untag an individual child recurrence.
  • When a tagged event changes its state, it is automatically untagged.


Apply or Remove a Tag Filter

Note that applying a tag filter will not remove any other filters you have applied. Filter by tag works in combination with the other filter criteria. For example, if you filter by Category=Fault and then apply a tag filter to hide tagged events, you will only see events belonging to the Fault category that are not tagged.

  • You previously tagged some events in Event List, and now you want to selectively hide or show the tagged events.
  1. To apply a tag filter, do one of the following:
  • Click the filter icon , select Filter by Tag, and click either Hide tagged events or Show tagged events only. (A check mark displays next to whichever option is currently selected).
  • Click the filter icon and click Advanced Filter. In the dialog box, from the Tag drop-down list, select either Hide tagged events or Show tagged events only.
  • The list of events is filtered accordingly. Applying a tag filter does not remove any other filters you have applied. Filter by tag works in combination with the other filter criteria. You can check the currently applied filter criteria in the Event List header.
  1. To remove a tag filter, do one of the following:
  • Click the filter icon , select Filter by Tag, and clear both check boxes to show both tagged and untagged events.
  • Click the filter icon and click Advanced Filter. In the dialog box, from the Tag drop-down list, select Show both tagged and untagged events.
  • The list of events will no longer be filtered by tags, but any other filters you applied will remain still active. Check the Event List header to see them.