Configuring the Document Viewer Step for Assisted Treatment

Scenario: You want to set up a document viewer step to make it available for assisted treatment.


Reference: For background information, see Procedure Step Workspace.


Workflow diagram:




  • Under Applications > Documents, you already created the required document folders including the document-related items (files or web links) required for the configuration of the document step. For instructions, see Setting Up a New Document.



1 – Create the Document Viewer Step
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Operating Procedures > […] > [operating procedure].
  • The Operating Procedures tab displays.
  1. Click New and select New Step Document Viewer.
  1. In the New object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.
  • The new step is added to System Browser.


2 – Configure the General Settings for the Step

You must specify the general parameters of an operating procedure step.

  1. Select Project > System Settings > Operating Procedures > […] > [operating procedure] > [step].
  1. In the Operating Procedure tab, open the General Settings expander.
  1. Specify the following settings:
  • Repeatable
  • Mandatory
  • Execution Mode
    : To enable the print capability to automatically print document-related items during the automatic execution of a document step, select Automatic on Creation or Automatic on first treatment. To allow operators to manually print document-related items during the manual execution of a document step, select Manual.
  1. (Optional) In the Notes field, enter any additional information.
3 – (Optional) Configure the Print Settings for the Step

If you want to configure the capability to automatically print document-related items for an automatic document step, you must specify the printer settings, below.

Skip the following procedural steps if you are configuring a document step with manual execution, or in the rare event the execution of an automatic document step does require to view but not necessarily to print document-related items.

  1. In the Operating Procedure tab, open the Print Settings expander.
  1. To activate the capability to automatically print document-related items, select the Print document check box.
    NOTE: If you do not set this option, operators, however, will be able to manually print document-related items when the document step is being executed, regardless of the step execution mode.
  1. To specify the printer for the document step, from the Printer drop-down list, select one of the available Desigo CC printers. For instructions on how to configure Desigo CC printers, see Configuring Printers.
    NOTE: Event though you cannot specify virtual printers here, operators, however, will be able to manually print to file (for example, Microsoft Print to PDF) when the document step is being executed, regardless of the step execution mode.
  1. To add document folders to the step, do the following:
    a. From System Browser, drag the Documents root folder or any specific subfolder into the empty area inside the Folder section.
    b. From the menu that displays, select one of the available actions among:
    - Add Include, to add the selected document folder and its subfolders (if any) to the list.
    - Add Exclude, to exclude one or multiple document folders.
    NOTE: If you linked the Documents root folder or structured subfolders, this functionality allows you to exclude any unwanted subfolders.
    - Cancel Operation, to abort the include or exclude operation.
    NOTE: Alternatively, you can click the Add Include or Add Exclude buttons before dragging the folder.
    c. Repeat the previous substeps to add all the required document folders.
  1. To remove a document folder, select it and click Remove.


4 – Configure the Additional Settings for the Step

You must specify the additional parameters of an operating procedure step.


Option 1 – Get Link from Related Items

Use this option to have document-related items directly printed from the configured printer when the automatic document step is being executed.

To automatically link the first document-related item available for the point that when in alarm will trigger the operating procedure:

  1. In the Operating Procedure tab, open the Additional Settings expander.
  1. Select Get Link from Related Items.
  • This is the resource that will be displayed along with the step during assisted treatment.


Option 2 – Fixed Links

Use this option in the rare event that the execution of an automatic document step require to view but not necessarily to print document-related items.

To manually link any documents to display along with this procedure step during assisted treatment:

  1. In the Operating Procedure tab, open the Additional Settings expander.
  1. Select Fixed Links.
  1. In System Browser, select the Manual navigation check box.
  1. Select Application View.
  1. Select Applications > Documents.
  1. Drag any documents to the Links text box.
  1. (Optional) Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the links or the Remove button to remove unwanted ones.
  1. (Optional) You may want to restrict in what situations a particular document should display. For details, see Filters of a Procedure Step.
    a. Select the step in the Links text box.
    b. Open the Filters expander.
    c. Do one or more of the following:
    - Open the Time and Organization Mode expander and specify the time-dependent pre-conditions that will cause this document to display. For details, see Time and Organization Mode Conditions.
    - Open the Events expander and specify the combination of events that will cause this document to display. For details, see Events Conditions.


5 – Save the Step
  1. Click Save or Save As .
  1. (Only for Save As) In the Save Object As dialog box:
    a. Select the main Operating Procedures folder or any subfolder under it.
    b. Enter a name and description.
    c. Click OK.