Libraries Export/Import

This section provides an overview of libraries export/import operations. For instructions, see Exporting, Importing or Upgrading Libraries.


Libraries Export Process

Libraries can be exported in a GMS file (a file with extension .gms) of small size. The export file format is portable from one Desigo CC system to another, thus allowing the export of libraries from root to root among different projects.

Nesting level too deep

If you try to export libraries and a warning message informs you that the export operation failed because the nesting level is too deep this means that the libraries level structure allowed by Desigo CC has been exceeded. For more details, see Libraries Structure.


Libraries Import Process

When you start the import operation, in the project file system a new folder is automatically created for each library to import (for example, C:\GMSMain Project\Libraries\[folder name]\[…]\[library name]).

Desigo CC imports libraries (with or without hierarchies), skipping the objects not required in the project, adding the new libraries, and overwriting/updating existing libraries.

If the instances you are importing are already present in Desigo CC and linked to any library block, the import operation stops, the library will not be imported, and the Import Compatibility Warning dialog box displays and shows the list of all the objects already available in the system.


Compatibility check

The compatibility check is not performed on upgrades of a library.


The import operation will create libraries and folders automatically looking for the type of library (L1-Headquarter, L2-Region, L3-Country, or L4-Project) and the discipline. The type tells under which folder the library will be placed and the discipline (text) will be used to create the library generic folder.


Libraries Import Rules

When you import or re-import a GMS file, for each library Desigo CC performs:

  • A check of the dependencies (including version and revision), to verify if the selected library is required in the project, otherwise it is skipped. If some dependency libraries are missing, a message informs you that this library cannot be imported.
  • A check of the upgrades, to determine how to insert the library in the project. Then it adds the library not found or overwrites an old version of the same library. When replacing an old version of a library with a newer version, a message box displays asking you to confirm whether to upgrade.


Text Groups Import

Texts group are imported from the import rules as well as during the import of devices under a network. In particular:

  • When you import SiB-X rules for a library, any text groups present in the configuration file are automatically imported under the Texts library block for the specific library.
  • When you import devices under a BACnet network, any new text groups are added under the Texts library block under the Common library of the L4-Project library level.