Configuring SiB-X Import Rules in a Library

Scenario: You want to configure the import rules for a SiB-X product family in a system library.


Reference: For background information, see SiB-X Import Rules.


Workflow diagram:



  • If Desigo CC is installed on a computer with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system, you must start the system as administrator before making any changes to BACnet import rules. To start the system as administrator, perform the following steps:
    a. On the taskbar in Windows, click the Start button, and then, on the Start menu, select All programs > Desigo CC.
    b. Right-click Start Desigo CC Client and select Run as Administrator.
  • You are trained and authorized to work with system libraries at the target customization level where you want to configure import rules. For example, L4-Project.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.



1 – Add an Import Rules Block to the Library

Skip this step if you want to modify an existing import rules block.


Method 1: Manually Add an Import Rules Block

This method adds a blank import rules block which you must then configure from scratch.

  1. In System Browser, select the library where you want to configure the import rules. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet.
  1. In the Library Configurator tab, click New and select New SiB-X Rules.
  1. Click Save .
  1. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.


Method 2: Add a Customized Import Rules Block

Use this method to copy the import rules block from a higher-level library (for example, L1-Headquarter > Global > BACnet > Import Rules) and insert it into a corresponding customized library at the allowed customization level (for example, L4-Project).

  1. In System Browser, select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Global > BACnet > Import Rules.
  1. In the Import Rules tab, click Customize .
    NOTE: The button is unavailable if the import rules block already exists at your allowed customization level.
  1. Click OK.
  • The selected Import Rules block is cloned in the corresponding position within the structure of the customized library, at the allowed customization level. For example, L4-Project > Global > BACnet > Import Rules block.
    NOTE: If the customized library or any parts of its structure are missing, these are created automatically.
  1. In the Import Rules tab, you can now modify the import rules as needed.


Limits on customized import rules

You can modify the inherited import rules created by customization only to a certain extent. In particular:
- You cannot add new hierarchies, modify, or delete inherited hierarchies.
- You can create and configure new objects and edit properties or delete copies of the created objects. However, you cannot modify or delete inherited objects and properties.
- You can modify the instance attributes mapping by adding and configuring new instance attributes, deleting the newly created instance attributes, or modifying the original data. However, you cannot delete inherited objects, even if modified (such action will result in resetting the instance attributes to their original value).


2 – Extract Import Rules Data from a SiB-X File

In this step you will extract the import rules data for a product family from a SiB-X file into a library. You can do this either to create new import rules for a new library, or to update the EO Types for the existing object and properties configuration.


  1. In System Browser select the import rules block of the library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet > [import rules].
  1. Select the Import Rules tab.
  1. In the Extract from File expander, click Browse.
  1. In the Browse XML file dialog box, select the SiB-X file to extract and click OK.
  1. If a message asks whether you want to merge or replace the rules:
  • Click OK to merge the new data into the existing rules.
  • Click Cancel to replace the existing rules.
  • The complete path of the selected file appears in the field.


3 – Configure Hierarchies for SiB-X Import Rules
  1. In System Browser, select the import rules block of the library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet > [import rules].
  1. In the Import Rules tab, open the Hierarchies expander.
  • A list of hierarchies displays in the expander. It may contain the data extracted from the configuration file or the existing configuration.
    NOTE: If you are working on import rules created by customization, you cannot add new hierarchies, and you cannot modify or delete inherited hierarchies.
  1. For each hierarchy, modify one or more of the following parameters:
  • Hierarchy name
    Modify the hierarchy label.
  • Management View
    By default, this option is set for each hierarchy meaning that each hierarchy is already assigned to Management View. Clear this option only if you do not want a hierarchy to be available in Management View.
  • Additional import view
    By default, it is set to Default meaning that each hierarchy is assigned to Management View only. If you want a hierarchy to be available also for another specific view, assign it appropriately to one of the following: Physical View, Logical View, or User-defined View.
  • Description Attribute
    Select the section of the SiB-X file and enter the object description.
  • Name Attribute
    Select the section of the SiB-X file and enter the object name.
  1. To create a new hierarchy, click Add Hierarchy to add a new row. Then repeat step 3.
  1. To remove a hierarchy, select the row and click Remove Hierarchy.
  1. Enter the attribute and select the section of the SiB-X file that contains the object description to display in System Browser.
  1. Enter the attribute and select the section of the SiB-X file that contains the object name to display in System Browser. If you leave the attribute empty, the EngineeringObjectID is used instead.
  1. Select the check box if you want to skip the import of BACnet objects of the Structured View type (regardless of the Objects table settings).
  1. Click Save .
  • The hierarchies settings configured are activated and will be applied when importing SiB-X field data.


4 – Configure Objects and Properties for SiB-X Import Rules
  1. In System Browser, select the import rules block of the library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet > [import rules].
  1. In the Import Rules tab, open the Objects and Properties expander.
  • The Objects area displays a list of EO Types. These may be those extracted from the SIB-X file, or those of an existing configuration.
    NOTE: If you work on import rules in a customized library, you cannot modify or delete the objects and properties inherited from the higher-level library.
  1. For each EO Type, modify one of or more of the following object parameters:
  • Object Model
    Select or enter a specific object model. Select ***Do not import.*** to remove the object model.
  • Is an ownership root
  • Has alarm support
  1. For each selected object modify one or more of its properties by defining the following parameters:
  • Property name
    Modify the EO Type property description.
    Leave this field blank to skip the import of a property (***Do not import.*** will display).
  • If available, Import instance value.
  1. To configure a copy of an object:
    a. Select an object and click Copy Object.
    b. Repeat step 2.
    c. Specify a value for Application (the application to which the copied object belongs).
    d. Specify SiB-X application attribute.
    Enter the attribute description and select the section of the SiB-X file containing the specified attribute of the copied object to import.
    e. Repeat step 3.
  1. To remove a copy of an object, select the object and click Remove Object.
  1. Click Save .
  1. When a message box displays informing you that the current configuration will be saved, click OK.
  • The object and properties settings configured are activated and will be applied when importing SiB-X field data.
  • If you work on a new configuration, a message displays asking if you also want to create its types. Click Yes to save and activate the configuration. Click No if you only want to save the configuration and activate it later.


5 – Map Instance Attributes for SiB-X Import Rules
  1. In System Browser, select the import rules block of the library. For example, Project > System Settings > Libraries > L4-Project > Global > BACnet > [import rules].
  1. In the Import Rules tab, open the Instance Attributes Mapper expander.
  • Any existing instance attribute mappings display. You may import instance attributes from a configuration file, modify existing data, or edit the configuration.
    NOTE: If you work on import rules in a customized library, you cannot delete inherited objects, even if modified (such action will result in resetting the instance attributes to their original value).
  1. If you want to import the mapping from an existing configuration file, proceed as follows:
    a. Click Import.
    b. In the Select the CSV file dialog box, select the CSV file you want to import and click OK.
    A message box informs you if the import fails for any reason.
  1. If you want to modify the existing configuration, select an instance, and change one or more of the following parameters:
  • SIB-X function attribute
    Enter the attribute description and select the SiB-X file section containing the attribute used to identify the type of instance. If you select Standard Feature, a function will display in the field. If the field is left empty, no function is assigned. Also, if the attribute is not present in the file, the function will be left empty.
  • Value of the [attribute]
    Enter the value of the function attribute that will identify a specific type of instance.
    This field is required. Alphanumeric values are allowed.
  • Function name
    Select the name of the function that will be associated to the instances of this type.
    Leave this field blank if you do not want to associate a function to this type of instance during the import.
  • Discipline, Subdiscipline, Type, and Subtype
    Select the value that will be associated to the instances of this type.
    If you choose Value not set, for Discipline, Subdiscipline, Type, or Subtype, all these fields will assume the value of the original object model defined for the object.
  1. If you want to create a new instance attribute, click Add to add a new row; then repeat step 3.
  1. To remove an instance attribute, select it and click Remove.
  1. Click Save .
  • The instance attributes mapping configured is activated and will be applied when importing SiB-X field data.
  1. If you want to export the configuration data to a CSV file for later use, proceed as follows:
    a. Click Export.
    b. In the Export Function Mapping Data dialog box, select the destination folder and click OK.
  • A message box informs you if the export fails for any reason.
  • The import of configuration data results in overwriting the existing instance attributes mapping. When the import is complete, the appropriate function for each instance that has a function associated will be available in the Main expander of the Object Configurator.


You can modify the exported configuration by opening the CSV file, for example, with Microsoft Office Excel, modifying data, and saving the changes.