Removing Closed Mode from a Station

  • You previously applied closed mode to a station. Now you want to restore that station to normal operation.
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select one of the following:
  • Project > Management System > Clients > [client station]
  • Project > Management System > FEPs > [FEP station]
  • The System Management tab displays.
  1. Clear the Closed mode check box.
  1. Click Save .
  • Closed mode is disabled for the selected station. The Windows default user is logged off and the Windows logon screen displays.
    The operator using that station can log on to the Windows operating system and then launch the Desigo CC client with appropriate access to system resources.


If the above procedure fails, or in case of other problems on a station in closed mode, proceed as follows to unlock a station in closed mode:

  1. Contact Customer Support to get detailed information about the Windows registry settings that force closed mode.
  1. Power on the computer in closed mode.
  1. Start Windows in safe mode by pressing F8 (Windows 7) or SHIFT+F8 (Windows 8.1) and selecting the Safe Mode.
    NOTE: Depending on the specific BIOS and configuration settings of the computer, the F8/SHIFT+F8 procedure may not work.
    In such cases, you can only access the computer over the network or reboot from a Windows System Recovery device (DVD or Memory Stick).
  1. Access Windows using an Administrator account.
  1. Use Regedit to modify the registry and remove the closed-mode settings as instructed by Customer Support.