Creating and Configuring Recipients

Scenario: You want to create or import and then configure recipient users, recipient groups, recipient devices and recipient locations to inform recipients by sending them notifications, for example, in cases of emergency.


Reference: For background information, see the reference section.


Workflow diagram:




  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Application View.
  • The drivers are created for the recipient user devices.



1 – Configure User Device Types and Delivering Methods
  1. Select Applications > Notification > Recipients.
  • The Recipients Editor tab displays.
  1. Open the User Device Types expander.
  • The list of default user device types display.
  1. Select a user device type from the list to work with an existing user device type. To add a new device, perform the following steps:
    a. Click Add: A new row with a user device type is appended to the list.
    b. Update the name and description of the newly-added user device type.
  1. In the Delivering Methods section, click Add and specify the delivery method.
  1. Click Save .


2 – Create Recipient Users or Recipient Devices
  1. Select Applications > Notification > Recipients.
  • The Recipients Editor tab displays.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new recipient user, click Add User .
  • To add a new recipient device, navigate to Management View > Project > Field Networks > [Network] and drag a device in the Recipients section of the Recipients expander.
    Alternatively, you can also import recipients from an XML, CSV file or an active directory.
  1. Open the General Settings expander and specify the details of the recipient user.
  1. (Optional and available only for MNS license users) Specify the parameters in the System User Details expander, if the recipient user is to be configured as a system user as well.
  1. In the Recipient User Devices expander, do one of the following:
  • Select a user device for the selected recipient user from the list of displayed devices.
  • Create a new recipient user device for the recipient user by clicking Add and specifying the type, address, and preferred delivery method in the Recipient User Devices dialog box.
  1. (Optional) Perform the following steps to add the recipient user to a user group:
    a. In the Groups Membership expander, click Add: The Groups Membership dialog box displays.
    b. From the user groups listed in the left pane of the dialog box, select the name of the user group to which you want to associate the recipient user.
    c. Click to move the user group to the right pane.
    d. Click OK: The recipient user is added to the selected user group.
  1. (Optional) Configure the recipient language for the recipient user from the Recipient Languages expander by clicking Add and specifying the values for culture and speech voice.
    NOTE: Speech voice is available for only MNS license users.

If the description of a device is changed after it was added as a Notification Recipient, the description change is not reflected in the various Notification recipient lists in Engineering and Operating mode.


3 – Save Recipient Users or Recipient Devices
  1. Select Applications > Notification > Recipients.
  • The Recipients Editor tab displays.
  1. Click Save .
  • The recipient user or recipient device is created and configured.