Configuring Viewports

A graphic viewport is a defined sub-section of a graphic that can be viewed independently of the main graphic; it is a zoomed in view of a larger graphic that allows you to see specific detail related to the graphics depth.

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Associate Objects with Viewports
  • In the Graphics Editor, you have a graphic open that contains a viewport you want to associate with an object in System Browser.
  1. On the graphic, click the viewport you want to associate with the object.
  • The Property view displays the Viewport properties.
  1. In System Browser navigate to the objects you want to associate with the viewport.
  1. Drag that data point object to the Graphic Editor’s Viewport Properties > Advanced > Link References property.
  • The object is now associated with the active viewport.


Create Manual Viewports

You can create graphic sub-views, known as viewports, and then manually associate them to individual data points or system objects. The viewports are displayed as children of their parent graphic in System Browser.

To create a Manual Viewport:

  • You are in Design or Test mode and have a graphic open.
  1. From the Viewports group, click Viewport Mode .
  • The Viewport mode is now enabled and the icon background changes to a darker shade of blue. In the Element Tree a layer (Manual Viewports) item is added.
    NOTE: In the Viewport mode, you can only modify manual viewports; all other elements on the graphic are visible but not active for editing.
  1. From the Viewports group, click Manual Viewport .
  • The mouse pointer turns to a crosshair on the canvas and the background color of the Manual Viewport icon background color turns orange.
  1. On the graphic, click and draw the viewport want to create. Release the mouse button when you are finished.
  • The viewport displays enclosed in the frame, as Viewport 1.
  • The Properties view changes to Viewport Properties and displays the properties for the new viewport.
  • The Element Tree view, displays the new viewport with a default viewport name under the associated layer.
  1. To name the new viewport, navigate to the Viewport Properties view, expand General property. In the Description field, type a name for the viewport.
    NOTE: Each viewport must have a name and must be unique from all other graphic viewports associated with the same graphic. All printable characters are allowed, including special characters for example, spaces, dots, semicolons, brackets, etc.
  • The name of the viewport displays on the graphic within the viewport brackets and in the Elements view the name displays next to the viewport.
  1. In the Viewport Properties view, you can also modify the Layout Properties of the viewport and the Advanced Properties that display for viewports. If you associate a depth with the viewport, then the display size of the selected viewport is used when viewing the viewport.
  1. Save the graphic.
  • In System Browser, the manual viewport displays under the associated graphic node as a child.

You are now ready to associate data points or objects to the graphic viewport.


Delete Manual Viewports
  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • There is a graphic with viewports open.
  1. From the Viewports group, click Viewport Mode .
  • Viewport mode is now enabled and existing viewports are visible.
  1. On the canvas, right-click the graphic viewport you want to delete.
  • Red brackets display around the viewports.
  1. From the menu that displays on right-click, select Delete.
  • The graphic viewport is deleted from the graphic.


Modify Manual Viewports

Manual viewports are edited in the Graphics Editor.

  • You have a graphic with viewports open.
  1. On the Home tab, from the Viewports group, click Viewport Mode .
  • The Manual Viewport mode is now enabled.
  1. Do one or more of the following:
  • Move the Manual Viewport - Click and drag on the manual viewport to move it to the desired location on the canvas.
  • Resize the Manual Viewport – Move your cursor over one of the red border markings surrounding the viewport. The resize cursor displays. Click the border marking and drag until you have reached the desired size. Or, in the Properties view, you can change the X, Y, Width, Height, and Description properties located under the Layout and General categories. The Description property can be left blank and does not need to be unique. Additionally, manual viewports can overlap one another.
  • Delete the Manual Viewport - Right-click the manual viewport and select Delete from the menu that displays on right-click.
  • Add Manual Viewport – From the Viewports group, click Manual Viewport . The mouse pointer turns to a crosshair on the canvas. Click and draw the new page on the canvas. The new viewport is added to the canvas and the Element Tree view.
  • Add System Objects – Drag data point objects from System Browser onto the Properties View > Advanced > Linked Reference property field.
  1. Save the graphic.


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For background information, see: